Community News
The Healthy Book Club

In “Not Good Enough: Understanding Your Core Belief and Anxiety,” Sabrina Trobak, MACP, RCC, CCS, (from Fort St. John, BC) offers practical strategies to manage anxiety. She emphasizes the significance of recognizing and challenging core beliefs, which impact thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. Trobak advocates for understanding one’s core belief’s origins and influence, enabling readers to address unhealthy patterns and cultivate lasting confidence.

Are You Having Fun?

As an older adult, you’re likely aware of the importance of staying active for optimal mental and physical health. Amidst all your activities, it’s crucial to ask yourself: Are you truly having fun? Fun and joy are essential components of a fulfilling life, making us feel alive, engaged, and connected to others. When we embrace laughter and play, the world becomes more vibrant and inviting. Every senior deserves to pursue enjoyable pastimes that transport them, making them lose track of time or feel like a carefree kid once again. The good news is that many of the best activities for senior citizens are low-cost or even free. So, why not explore activities that reignite the youthful spirit within you?

Make Self-Care a Priority

Stress is a natural part of everyday life. But are you aware that stress is among the number one causes of all kinds of health concerns, including sleep deprivation, changes in appetite, illness, anxiety, and depression? One of the greatest ways to combat these stress symptoms is to implement a self-care plan that is done regularly in your life. Self-care strategies include doing activities that you enjoy regularly. Like when a flight attendant does the safety brief and asks you to put on your oxygen mask first before helping others, it is important to ensure your health and wellness are a priority.

The Future of Wellness in a Patch

The Super Patch Wellness line is designed to give you pain relief and better mobility, helping you live a happier, healthier, more active life. The patches have uniquely arranged ridges that look like a QR code, when these ridges touch your skin, your cells transmit unique signals that interact with your body’s nervous system to provide life-enhancing benefits. Clinically and dermatologically tested and approved, the patches are designed to be safe and easy-to-use, every single day. They’re also drug-free, gluten-free, paraben-free, latex-free, hypoallergenic, non-GMO, and certified skin-safe. Patches come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

What Do I Do with my Crystal?

If your crystal gives you joy, keep it and use it every day! If you are not going to use it, pawn it off on a family member or give it to a thrift store that donates money to hospices, homeless shelters, or hospitals. It is more hassle than it is worth trying to sell it on your own. Very few people want it. There is so much out there; it seems everyone’s mother had a large collection of crystal, mostly pinwheel. There may be some value in Waterford crystal, so do get an expert’s opinion before disposal.

Fuel Performance Through Healthy Eating

We’ve all heard the saying we are what we eat, but do you know just how much the food we eat affects how we show up in the world? Our bodies and brains function and feel the best when we are providing them with the proper nutritious fuel. When we are eating healthier and providing our body and brain with the proper fuel we not only perform better at work, but in all aspects of our lives. Here are some easy tips to help support healthier eating habits: incorporate more fruits and veggies into your diet, plan your meals and write a grocery list (and stick to the list!), and prepare some meals ahead of time so you have healthy options available for those times when you don’t feel like cooking.

Regular Denture Care

Dentures should be relined or renewed to maintain optimal fit, comfort, and functionality. Over time, changes in the jawbone structure occur, which can lead to a loose fit of the dentures. Relining involves adding new material to the base of the denture to adapt to these changes and restore a proper fit. Renewal becomes necessary due to wear and tear, which can result in deterioration of the denture’s material, affecting its effectiveness and appearance. Regular relining or renewal ensures that dentures remain snug, comfortable, and functional, allowing wearers to speak, eat, and smile with confidence.

Easy Exercises for Better Health

Seniors with an active lifestyle can see benefits for cardiovascular health, brain function, muscle strength, balance, and mobility. Here are five simple exercises that can be incorporated into your daily routine: *Walking: whether it’s a walk around the block or on a trail or path, it’s important to get up and move. *Water aerobics and swimming are fun ways to exercise gently on the joints. *Toe taps and heel raises are easy exercises while sitting down that encourage blood flow. *Sit to stand: like a squat but much simpler, and it helps strengthen mobility. *Chair Yoga: take a group class with friends or look up a quick YouTube class.

Community Nursing and Seminar

Victoria Community Health Co-operative provides registered nurse services, which are covered by your MSP card. Our nurses can assist you by providing a nursing assessment and recommendations. We provide navigation services to assist you in connecting with other healthcare providers as required. Please join us for our next lunch and learn about “fraud and scam prevention” on Thursday, May 23 from 12 to 1:30 pm at the Cook Street Village Activity Centre. A small lunch will be provided. Please contact us at 778-440-0221 for more information and to RSVP.

Community Profile: The Healing Nest

At The Healing Nest Harmonics, we are all about nurturing your body, mind, and soul through our Harmonic Egg. The egg is a unique bio-resonance chamber that works on a cellular level to create positive change. Homeostasis is achieved, which brings the body and mind into harmony, making it easier for you to cope with stress, increasing productivity, and improving your mood. Whether you choose an in-person or distance experience, the egg’s vibrational energies help with sleep disorders, anxiety, pain, emotional trauma, chronic illness, and pet health.

Downsizing: Sell First or Buy First?

Most owners need to sell to release the equity of their current home to purchase their next home. While the ideal situation is to make an offer “subject to the sale of my home,” market conditions, particularly hot, competitive ones, render this option hopeless. There are several strategies you can employ to successfully downsize, and I’ll be discussing this at our upcoming downsizing seminar. Email Tony at or call 250-419-7439 to register for this free event.