Community News
10 Tips for Dealing with Stress and Tension

The following are suggestions to get you started on managing the stress in your life:

  1. Use relaxation techniques – Yoga, meditation, deep breathing, or massage.
  2. Exercise – Physical activity is one of the most effective stress remedies around!
  3. Manage time effectively- Do essential tasks and prioritize the others.
  4. Get enough rest, sleep and “me” time.
  5. Talk with others – Talk with friends, professional counsellors, support groups or relatives about what is bothering you.
  6. Volunteer work can be an effective and satisfying stress reducer.
  7. Work off your stress – Get physically active, dig in the garden, start a project or hobby.
  8. Tackle one thing at a time – Don’t try to do too much at once.
  9. Don’t be too competitive.
  10. Make the first move to be friendly.

Have some fun!! Laugh and be with people you enjoy!

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