Community News
Adapting to change

As spring approaches early in Manitoba we can collectively breathe a sigh of relief from the burdensome snow banks and parka attire. However, the warmer sun and early arrival of geese may have your internal clock a little out of sync and thus sending you subtle pangs of fearfulness and uncertainty. One way I suggest to become more comfortable with change is to take some time to listen.

Allow yourself to integrate into your environment with a deeper understanding of what is going on by listening carefully. Listen to the subtle messages that the wind carries past you. Listen to the stories the geese are telling you as they journey north. Listen to the life coming up from under the earth beneath you. These sounds can speak to your heart and inspire you to follow a harmonious journey of fearless movement with purpose thus allowing you to accept some change as a part of your travels.

Pamela Vialoux,
Shabequay Healing

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