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Clutter Busting 101

Excessive clutter causes stress and often accompanies underlying health problems. Conditions like depression and chronic pain can make cleaning seem impossible, but small daily steps add up to big changes over time and boost feelings of wellness. Pick up as you go- check the room you’re in for items you can bring with you. Sort mail daily- pay and file bills, recycle newspapers/flyers, respond to and delete emails. Get rid of something old/unused/unworn with each new purchase that enters your home.

Break up large tasks- just do one shelf/cabinet/room at a time. If it’s smelly, sticky, empty, broken, looks weird, is expired, or covered in dust just get rid of it- you won’t miss it! Using baskets to de-clutter dressers/tables/counters helps your home appear tidier and makes cleaning quicker and easier. Enlist help from your kids, spouse or professionals.

Erin Gendreau

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