Community News
Spotlight: Spirit Gardens

Gord Weber is truly in the garden business to make a difference and to bring people closer to Nature. His passion is creating landscaping while working cooperatively with Nature Spirits. Being employed in a stressful career for several years, he began to garden in his neighbour’s yards. What he quickly learned was his connection with Nature – shrubs that he touched became greener, healthier and more robust. A change in careers was born. Gord is now in the process of learning to communicate with Nature Spirits. What works, what doesn’t, what their needs are. “We are all connected. We need to know and respect that.” The tranquility of water, the darting of birds, the playfulness of elementals and the healing qualities of plants all play a role in the enlightenment of humans. Gord designs, installs and maintains residential properties. He has that ‘artistic gift’ for designing ponds, waterfalls, creeks, patios, walkways, retaining walls, with use of applications such as stones, boulders, organic soil, cedar structures and healing plants.

Gord Weber, Spirit Gardens

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