Community News
Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy is a great way to help improve your overall health and wellness. Through a process called “autointoxication”, toxins from fecal matter get absorbed and re-circulated into the bloodstream. As the toxins re-circulate, the body’s systems become overburdened which puts the body at risk for serious health conditions. Colon hydrotherapy helps to maintain regularity, kick-start weight loss, decrease colon cancer, maintain PH balance of the bloodstream and create an overall increase in well-being. During the one hour session, purified and pressure regulated water is introduced and released from the colon. This allows for the toxins, parasites and waste to be flushed out of your body. During the treatment, we provide a relaxing, comfortable experience after which many clients feel refreshed.

Kelly Wood, Island Colon Cleanse,

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