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Aloe Benefits

We have talked about what you should look for in a quality highly active Aloe Vera and the over 200 active ingredients in Aloe Vera, so let’s list some symptoms and/or ailments which may benefit from using Aloe on a daily basis: Internally: Eyes, ears nose & throat ailments; Digestive Tract; Respiratory tract; Genito-urinary tract, Arthritis; Rheumatism; Diabetes (both types); Liver detoxification; Builds the immune systems; High blood pressure; Lowers cholesterol. Externally: Antiperspirant; Skin conditions; Rashes; Infections; Wounds; Sun or age spots; Anti-aging; Eye conditions; Burns.

The preceding should not be considered all that the Aloe can help, but in fact, when we come up against an illness or a topical affliction, we should be asking ourselves: “What will Aloe do?” From the book: – “Remarkable Aloe – by Dr. Ivan Danhof”. Known as the ‘Grandfather of Aloe’.

Maureen Glowasky,

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