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What is Soma Yoga?

Soma Yoga is a combination of somatic movements & yoga relaxation techniques. These movements and techniques are designed to bring mind body awareness resulting in decreased stress response, decreased pain, and increased movement and enjoyment of life. These gentle mindful movements are tools that you can learn to practice each day to enhance the quality of your life. How you feel physically determines how you feel mentally. How you feel mentally determines how you feel physically

It is a never-ending circle of influence! Throughout our lives, our body/mind responds to daily stresses and traumatic experiences by producing reflex muscle contractions. When these muscular reflexes of stress are triggered repeatedly, habitual, involuntary muscle contractions develop. Eventually, Sensory Motor Amnesia develops, a memory loss of how certain muscle groups feel and how to control or relax them. The result is stiffness and pain, decreased movement and postural changes. Using these slow, gentle movements brings back voluntary control of muscles resulting in healthy movement, improved posture, full breathing and mindfulness. An excellent aid for those who have persistent pain and limited mobility.

Katie White, Courtenay Massage Therapy

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