“I am very grateful for Maureen Becker and Source Within. When I met Maureen, I had severe health problems, and was not happy nor at peace. I can without a doubt credit Source Within’s teachings for helping me to fully heal my health issues. As a direct result of implementing these teachings, my life has been steadily improving. I am now happy, content, and peaceful most of the time. I enjoy being alone more, and I have much more easy and fluid interactions with people, even if someone occasionally brings negativity. I have fun all day long at work (a job Maureen helped me manifest) and I love where I live. All of these things I was able to create in my life by applying Maureen and Guides’ guidance. I often find myself whistling, humming or singing for “no” reason. Source Within is, by leaps and bounds, the best teacher I have encountered.” – (Sean Grimes, Winnipeg).
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