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Your Healing Power

Bio-Energy Healing is a contemporary adaptation of the ancient understanding that the body has the innate power to regenerate and heal itself. For thousands of years, healers in many different cultures have understood the vital role that energy plays in our health and wellbeing. They understood the energy centres in the body and how energy flows, and were able to unblock and channel these energies so the body could heal itself.  What causes energy to become stagnant, congested or blocked? Many things contribute to this – including physical, emotional or mental stress, accidents, injuries, trauma, and suppressed feelings. In time, blocked, congested or stagnated energy can lead to illness, chronic conditions, anxiety, depression and pain which show up in the body. Bio-Energy Healing is a remarkably effective natural remedy for health issues and can take your health, wellbeing, spiritual connection and outlook to a whole new level.

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