Do you suffer from headaches or earaches? Do you have a stiff neck and upper back? What about on-going stomach issues, anxiety or depression? Dissimilar as all these issues might sound, the root cause may be your temporomandibular joint, or TMJ.
Studies estimate that 30 per cent of the world’s population has some form of TMJ disorder. Known as “the hidden imposter” for the way it mimics other symptoms and syndromes, TMJ disorder is not only very common, it’s also often misdiagnosed.
The TMJ is the hinge where the jawbone connects to the skull. The disorder occurs due to excess pressure in the joint. Factors that can cause TMJ issues include misalignment of the jaw or teeth; physical trauma, such as whiplash or dental work; degenerative diseases; or, most commonly, tension resulting in teeth clenching or grinding.
The resulting effects are wide-ranging and can cause chronic or intermittent pain varying from mild to severe. While actual joint pain may or may not occur, typically symptoms manifest elsewhere in the body and include migraines, earaches or tinnitus (ringing in the ears), hip and pelvic pain and muscle soreness in the upper body. Because of these diverse symptoms, correct diagnosis is often overlooked while treatment doesn’t deal with the underlying problem.
As health practitioners who focus on a holistic approach, all our treatments begin with a thorough whole-body examination. Upon diagnosis of TMJ disorder, treatments typically include acupuncture and neuro-structural integration therapy (NST), a hands-on therapy that calms the autonomic nervous system and releases muscles of the neck, shoulders and jaw. Treatment of severe cases may also integrate the use of a soft dental appliance, and patients are given exercises to perform at home. Most people feel relief after the first treatment.
Think you may have TMJ disorder? Give us a call and get to the root of the problem.
Dr. Brigitte Tetrault is a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncturist at Courtenay Healing Centre.
Dr. Brigitte Tetrault, Courtenay Healing Centre