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Eliminate Disease, Eat Real Food

89% of the adult population has a chronic health condition. Health issues are so common that people consider them an inevitable part of life. This is not how our ancient ancestors lived. It is a creation of modern times. If a condition such as diabetes, arthritis, depression, cancer, auto-immune conditions or allergies have run through your family in the last several generations does this mean that you will contract that condition? Likely so, if you eat a similar diet to those relatives. 71% of the calories in the Standard American Diet did not exist 100 years ago and humans haven’t genetically adapted to thrive consuming these unfamiliar items. Eating closer to what your ancestors ate back when they were hunters and gatherers will allow your body to heal and likely prevent any health condition from taking root in the first place. No counting calories, hunger, cleanses, detoxes, juicing or nutraceuticals. Just eating real food.

Tom White

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