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Balancing Chakras with Essential Oils

Long ago, mystic and healing traditions identified seven primary energy centers within the body known as chakras. These energy wheels are understood to be receivers, transformers and transmitters of information and frequency. They are thought to govern respective organ and glandular systems, and to be directly linked to mental, physical and spiritual attributes and abilities. Holistic healers and certain alternative health practitioners use various methods to unblock and cleanse chakras of stagnant, dense, or toxic energy, restoring them to optimal resonance and balance, and providing an energetic foundation for healing. Two excellent tools for cleansing and restoring balance to the chakras are crystals and essential oils. When searching for essential oils for therapeutic benefit, it is imperative to use only the highest quality and purity oils available. A knowledgeable healer can guide you in your selection and use of essential oils depending upon your presenting mental/emotional, physical and spiritual conditions.

Nelson Meggitt

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