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Dilution Terms in Essential Oil Therapy

In terms of the topical application of essential oils, there are three standard categories. “Neat” refers to those few essential oils, such as Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), that are generally accepted as safe for undiluted application on appropriate areas of the body. Neat application is controversial, however, within the field of essential oil therapy and is typically only performed by an adequately trained health practitioner and only for specific localized conditions. “Sensitive” refers to oils that are best applied mixed with a carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil, for people who are predisposed to having sensitive skin such as the elderly and children under the age of twelve.“Dilute” refers to oils best mixed with carrier oil for all skin types. Experts recommend using the lowest dilution possible that will obtain the desired results. A 2% topical dilution is common for the average adult in good health.

Nelson Meggitt, Optimum Wellness Factor,

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