Community News
Knitted Knockers – An Alternative Breast Prosthetic

It takes time to adjust to the loss of a breast. The medical appointments, surgery, and the bruising and scaring will eventually pass but the emotional journey can last longer. How you look can affect your self-esteem. It can be difficult to accept the changes. Decisions need to be made regarding reconstruction after mastectomy or using a prosthetic. If you chose a prosthetic, there is a new option available that is free and does not require a special bra. This new prosthetic is called a Knitted Knocker. It is a hand knitted prosthetic made of mercerized cotton which is non-irritating. This can be a great alternative for women who find traditional breast prosthetics too expensive, heavy, sweaty, and uncomfortable. For more information, visit your local yarn store, or visit Knitted Knockers of Canada, a non-profit organization committed to helping women who have lost a breast to cancer.
Connie Harvey,

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