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Practicing a Balanced Life

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that has recently been integrated within our western culture. It is an inner spiritual practice that aims to strengthen and balance the body and mind. Another one of these ancient practices that has been newly introduced to western society is Aryuveda, an alternative form of medicine. It teaches that when all is balanced, an individual is healthy. Its key focuses are balance, prevention, and selfcare practice to treat a variety of issues. These components are easily paralleled to and satisfied with the practice of yoga. Aligning the body, concentrating the mind, and working for a healthier self fall directly under the umbrella of Aryuveda. Just as yoga is a practice for all, Aryuveda can be practiced by anyone as well, to achieve good health and longevity. It creates a foundation for self-realization, and self -healing.
Celine Sartoris,

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