Community News
Thai Foot Massage/Reflexology

Thai Foot Massage/Reflexology is a treatment for lower legs and feet that originated in Thailand about 2000 years ago. This therapy utilizes stretching, massage, thumb-walking, and the use of a wooden stick to stimulate reflex points. Thai foot massage restores balance to the body/mind through reflexes of the feet and lower legs that are linked to the body’s 72,000 energy meridians (sen). Reported benefits include: improved circulation in legs, lymphatic drainage, removal of toxins, elevated functioning of the immune system, and reduced stiffness. Additional outcomes are: improved flexibility, relief from stress, and improved sleep. Thai foot massage doesn’t cure illnesses, but it promotes good health. Thai Foot Massage is intended to stimulate reflex points of the feet, the internal organs, and encourage free flow of energy throughout the body. If you would like to balance and harmonize the flow of energy throughout your body and stimulate the internal organs, then Thai Foot Massage/Reflexology is for you!

Rositha Jeanson,

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