Community News
Attending to Heart Issues

We often have a fatalistic view about heart disease, cancer or diabetes in families. We believe that we inherit and are programmed to die of these chronic conditions. From the day of our birth, life stresses and joys can take us from Valentine celebrated heart throbbing love to heartache; from wellness to heart disease or attacks. It does not have to go that way! Countering this negative view is the scientific information that has shown how these genetics are quite heavily influenced by the environment. Brainwave Optimization is an environment that can help balance your brain at the physical level, so heartache and heart disease can be addressed or have less of a grip on the pre-dispositions we fear. This neuro-technology opens possibilities for those healthy lifestyle choices that can turn things around in your environment. Having a strategy for restoring health is always a good thing!

Joanne Couture, RMFT, RSW,

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