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Product Review: Organo Gold

Organo Gold is a leading coffee product enriched with 100 Percent Certified Organic Ganoderma Lucidum Red Mushrooms. Ganoderma Lucidum promotes health and wellness by increasing antioxidant levels, combat harmful free radicals and boosting the immune system. Ganoderma has been known for centuries for alkalizing and oxygenating the body to establish the foundation for a lifetime of good health, removing the basis for osteoporosis, arthritis, adultonset diabetes, heart disease, and many other degenerative conditions including cancer. Ganoderma is a super herb which rapidly oxygenates your body and automatically adjusts your Ph to a healthy balance at the cellular level. Experience the benefits of Ganoderma with a hot cup of freshly brewed coffee. Connoisseurs will appreciate the robust, smooth flavor. Awaken your senses and enrich your day with a classic cup of coffee that’s as flavorful as it is invigorating.

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