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Avoiding Soreness from Golf

Golf season is in full swing. Reinitiating any summer activity after a long winter can potentially result in post-activity soreness. Golfing is a complex activity that involves generating movements through both your upper and lower extremities, thus producing a great number of stresses on the joints, muscles, and ligaments. A bucket of balls on the driving range, numerous practice strokes, and an average of 90 strokes during a round all result in repetitive strain to the tissues. A well-designed exercise program including stretching, core muscle strengthening, balance exercises, and an aerobic fitness component is key to keeping you on the fairways. Have a physiotherapist prescribe a golf-specific program for you. It is also wise to seek instruction from a local golf pro, who can improve your technique, thus decreasing your chance of injury. Try a few practice swings in the opposite direction. Enjoy the season!

Doug Treloar, Physiotherapist

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