Community News
Our Chakras

The Chakras connects us to our bodies’ wisdom. When we understand the chakra system it allows us to have an emotional mapping of our body and learn what it is saying. Each of the 7 chakras connects to specific organs, emotional beliefs and healing patterns in our bodies. We can think of each chakra as a disk that contains programming information about our lives and how to live it.

For example; the base chakra contains our “survival programming” how we trust, get our needs met and feel safe in the world. Our second chakra is about receiving pleasure and expressing our emotions. Our third chakra is our power centre and how we digest information and trust our guts. Knowing what our bodies are saying and needing frees us from dis-ease and brings energy and life force into our lives.

Join us for Chakra workshop held March 19th 6:30-9:30pm and March 20th 9-4pm.


D’Arcy Bruning-Haid, M.A.

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