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A Little Gratitude Goes a Long Way!

Gratitude is one of the fastest and most effective ways to change your mood. When you’re feeling heavy, overwhelmed with difficulties or frustrated with what you don’t have, one of the quickest and easiest ways to change this is to focus on what you DO have! Here’s an easy exercise to add into our day: just notice what you feel grateful for. Especially when you’re frustrated or feeling like things aren’t going your way, try this practice to change up your energy. What we focus on expands, so the more we focus on what lights us up and makes us happy to be here, the better! Gratitude is a key in life to attracting what we want. Here’s an exercise to try: at the end of each day write down 3 things that happened for which you are grateful. Do this for 21 days. See how this feels and what happens!

Light Body Healing Works,

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