Migraines and headaches can be treated with acupuncture, reducing the severity and frequency of occurrences. Acupuncture is a minimally invasive treatment with virtually no side effects. Hair-fine needles are inserted at specific points to increase blood flow in the affected meridians, which will reduce the severity and frequency of migraines. Migraine prevention is also important. If you are experiencing an imbalance in the nervous system, from high stress, hormone imbalances (e.g., if it occurs during a women’s menstrual cycle), or hypertension, an approach of balancing your organs and nervous system, along with migraine-specific points, is taken. Prevention would consist of stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system (rest, relax digestive system) and reducing muscle tension and soreness. These points are primarily located in the forearms and lower legs. A complete assessment followed by a prescribed course of acupuncture may reduce the severity and frequency of migraines and headaches.
Naomi Johnson, HeklaAcupuncture.com