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Acupuncture for Women’s Health

Do you suffer from painful menstruation or menopausal symptoms? Acupuncture is an effective form of treatment. Dysmenorrhea, lower abdominal pain occurring before or after your period, can be caused by a number of issues. Traditional Chinese medicine looks at the root cause of the pain; Qi (your life-force) and blood stagnation, cold in the uterus or a deficiency of Qi and blood. Once the root cause has been decided, treatments of moving Qi and blood, warming the uterus or tonifying Qi and blood is undertaken with acupuncture, specific dietary and self-care recommendations, to treat the pain. Menopause is looked at similarly, to decide the root cause. Most often it is due to naturally diminishing Yin in our bodies, which occurs with aging, but can also be complicated by other imbalances. Once the imbalance is determined, acupuncture can resolve symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, irritability and cold hands and feet.

Naomi Johnson,

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