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Aging and Alzheimer’s

People usually take memory loss from aging for granted. I confess, I was one of them. Things have changed since I heard my dad was diagnosed with late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. His dad – of course, my granddad – showed the symptom of the disease just before he died. Is it genetic? I came across a shocking scientific fact. Few will not suffer from the disease at 110. According to Rudy Tanzi, the most renowned Alzheimer’s researcher, the disease occurs in half of individuals at 85. According to statistics from the Alzheimer’s Association in Chicago, the disease occurs in 12% of men and 20% of women at 85. I guess this difference is because Professor Tanzi included patients in the very early stage and the association didn’t. I concluded from various articles that everyone had better begin taking preventive measures for Alzheimer’s at 65, at the latest.

Re Vitamins of Charleswood

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