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Alternative Healing: Aromatherapy

In 1994, building upon knowledge accumulated by Dr. Edward Bach, Doctors Reimar Banis, M.D., N.D. and Ulrike Banis, M.D., N.D.. (having decades of experience in both general medicine and holistic health), began to develop a new holistic method of treating illnesses, independent from any ideologies or belief system, considering the body and soul as well as the vital energies. With the assistance of biophysicist Dieter Jossner, The REBA Test device was invented and became available to trained practitioners in 1998. The REBA Test device accurately measures the subtle energy field of the body (also known as the aura), by detecting Delta (vital), Theta (emotional), Alpha (mental) and Beta (causal) brain waves. Regarding Aromatherapy, this device can be used to select the optimum essential oil or synergy of oils for an individual, based on improvement to their baseline reading.

Nelson Meggitt

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