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Back Mobility Drills Part 1: Extensions

Limited mobility of the thoracic spine (mid back)is a common finding and something that tends to get worse over time. A stiff mid back can be the root source of other issues like shoulder, neck, and even low back pain. A good way everyone can stretch the mid back is by using a foam roller. In a lying position, place the foam roller across your back and place your arms across your chest and feet on the floor. Using your legs to push, roll the foam up and down your back between your lower ribs and your upper shoulders. Now in the same position with the foam roller stationary at the lower ribs, keep your butt grounded and extend your back over the roller. Do about ten small extensions then position the roller about 1 inch closer towards your shoulders. Repeat ten small extensions as you move the roller 1 inch at a time closer to your shoulders.

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