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Benefits of Ganban-Yoku Treatment

Our regular Ganban-yoku session is done on beautiful stone beds. Clients can choose their own comfortably heated bed from three different types. The session involves lying on the bed for about 10 to 15 minutes at a time. Once the body is heated, clients step out to the lounge for some water to hydrate and cool down for a few minutes. From there, the steps are repeated until the session time is up. The treatment will gently warm the entire body from the core, burning about 200 to 300 calories, while increasing metabolism and blood circulation. The session will leave the body feeling like you just went jogging instead of lying down. The stones release far infrared rays naturally and can reduce joint pain, as the heat will penetrate deep into the muscle tissues. Heat can also reach deep into the intestines to improve the digestive system, leading to detoxification.

Pocca Poca Spa,

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