Community News
Benefits of Water Exercise

Summertime offers access to outdoor pools and lakes, which provides a wonderful exercise opportunity. There are numerous benefits to exercising in water, including increased muscle strength, as water provides resistance; low-impact exercise, because the buoyancy of the water lessens the stress on joints; and increased joint flexibility, since swimming and aquacizing require movement in various directions while adjusting to the push and pull of the water. Exercising in water builds cardiovascular stamina, helps burn body fat, increases circulation, and can help rehabilitate and heal muscles and joints. There are as many variations of exercises in the water as there are on land. You can simply swim the old-fashioned way, or you can go vertical with jogging, water aerobics, deep-water running, or water walking forward, backward, and sideways. All of these options work various muscle groups. For a pool/ lake program best suited for you, consult your physiotherapist.

Doug Treloar, Physiotherapist,

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