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Bowenwork for Back Pain

Bowenwork is a very gentle, holistic, hands-on form of bodywork that essentially resets the body to heal itself. Bowen Therapy can be extremely effective with issues related to lower back pain, even when other therapies were unsuccessful. The Bowenwork Practitioner never forcefully manipulates the body into correction. On the contrary, the body is gently signalled through the nervous system by the practitioner’s moves, and then left to heal itself, with minimal intervention. Bowenwork restores balance of the entire body through the nervous system. Once muscles become balanced, blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients are increased, and toxins are released. Additionally, bones move back to where they should be, and pinched nerves are set free. Often there is pain relief in multiple areas of the body, resulting in a profound sense of well-being. Don’t give up! Talk to a Certified Bowenwork Practitioner about starting your healing journey today.

Bernadette Kozak, Certified Bowenwork Practitioner,

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