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Can Anger be Useful?

Anger is simply an emotion that occurs as a reaction, also called a trigger, in response to an uncomfortable situation. If we view it as simply a secondary emotion or physiological reaction, also called “fight or flight” response (faster heartbeat, adrenaline rush, feeling hot and tense) we can begin to think as to what the anger is about, in effect using it as information. In undertaking anger counselling the goal is to uncover the “primary” emotion. What is driving the anger? Is it fear? Is it frustration? Or sadness, guilt, jealousy, disappointment? Once the underlying emotion(s) are identified then we can begin to problem solve. This is done by identifying triggers (when does it happen? Where? Who is around?). It’s much like detective work and with the help of a qualified counsellor the “anger cycle” can be identified and healthy measures can be put in place to ensure your anger isn’t destructive, but rather a useful piece of information to solve internal conflicts.

Rod Chant,

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