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Caring for Gastrointestinal Blues

From indigestion, bloating and belching to heartburn, acid reflux and ulcers, gastrointestinal issues affect many of us. Even occasional nausea, constipation, bad breath and food sensitivities can be symptoms of an irritated GI system.

Before reaching for an over-the-counter medication, or even self-prescribing a natural medicine, let’s consider some possible underlying causes of your digestive issues.

GI disorders are commonly associated with mental stress over prolonged periods, like that work project that consumed you for weeks on end or the all-day cram sessions that were so intense you forget to eat. Even emotional stress, such as frustration or anxiety, can wreak havoc on your digestive system. Anything you can do to reduce stress will be beneficial.

What you eat and – just as importantly – what you don’t can also be a factor. Beware of fad diets and faux-healthy trends. People are depriving themselves of so much nutrition these days, reducing this and eliminating that, yet collectively we’re less healthy than ever. Eat whole, nutrient-rich foods, and try to balance your fat (30%), carbohydrates (40%) and proteins (40%). GI issues can be complex and are very seldom solved with a quick-fix diet.

On a broader level, I suggest we change our relationship with food. It seems we rarely turn off our electronic devices long enough to actually enjoy our food. To taste it. To make eating a fun, social experience. How we eat, and our mindset about food, affects our digestion.

Finally, look into herbal remedies. Western medicine typically involves pharmaceuticals, many of which have side effects over time. While often relieving symptoms, they do not provide a cure. Chinese herbal medicine can offer the same benefits while also restoring normal GI functions and promoting better digestion.

Any doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine will be happy to chat with you about how you can improve your digestion and quality of life.

Dr. Brigitte Tetrault,

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