Chiropractic is for patients from all walks of life, from newborn babies to the elderly. Common ailments range from headaches and body pain, to digestive issues, fatigue, and stress. We also see many people who have no concerns, except to maintain their health.
To understand chiropractic, we have to first understand a little about the way the body works. When you were born, your body knew exactly what to do to keep you healthy, which is what chiropractors call “innate intelligence”. This is the knowledge our bodies are born with that no school can teach! Most people think of stress as just a mental dimension, but in a holistic model, stress is expressed in three dimensions: physical, biochemical (nutrition, and environmental toxins), and emotional/spiritual. The goal of chiropractic care is to assess the level of stress on our innate intelligence, also referred to as our nervous system.
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