Community News
Community Announcement

The National Seniors Council (NSC) engages with seniors, stakeholders, and experts to provide advice to the Government of Canada on current and emerging issues and opportunities related to the health, well-being, and quality of life of seniors. Work priorities are determined by the Minister of Seniors and the Minister of Health, based on recommendations from the National Seniors Council (NSC). The NSC is currently focusing on the following 4 work priorities:
1. identifying measures to reduce crimes and harms against seniors, with a particular focus on financial abuse, fraud, and scams
2. considering the federal and provincial strategies and initiatives that include a senior’s dimension, and providing advice on gaps that could potentially be addressed if a national seniors strategy were to be developed
3. providing advice to the government on the development and implementation of existing initiatives using an age-friendly/healthy aging perspective, including, as a first step, observations, and recommendations on ways to strengthen attention to seniors’ housing needs in the implementation of the National Housing Strategy
4. identifying measures to counteract ageism by shifting the public discourse
To examine the above issues and advance its work, the NSC developed a 3-year work plan covering 2018 to 2021, which includes activities such as research, convening expert panels, and consulting with seniors and representatives of organizations serving or advocating for seniors.

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