Community News
Healthy Fruit Pizza

Preheat oven to 350ºF and grease a 10- round pan. Mix Wet: 1 egg, 1 tsp. Vanilla, ¼ cup honey, 2 TBSP. coconut oil, Mix Dry in separate bowl: 2 cups almond flour, ½ cup coconut flour, ½ tsp. baking soda, pinch of salt, Slowly add dry ingredients to wet ingredients. Knead and form into a ball. Bake 14-17 minutes. Let crust cool and then remove from pan. Spread filling on the crust. Filling blend until smooth.: 3 oz. cream cheese, 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, 2 TBSP. Honey, 1/2 lemon zest. Topping: 1/2 cup each of blueberries, strawberries, blackberries. Enjoy!

May Wellnessnews Available Online

Since the April edition, COVID-19 has touched all our lives. Our collective efforts to stay home and stay safe seem to be making a difference. Responding to this new reality, the May edition of the Wellnessnews is available online for your viewing and sharing pleasure. ALL the health practitioners, businesses and services found in this edition are OPEN for business, whether it be business as normal, by appointment or emergencies only, or via online service delivery.

Please share this electronic edition with your network of family and friends.

To view, visit the new page.

A Community that Cares

Fred Rogers once said, “We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say, “It’s not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem.” Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes.” The time for shared responsibility is now, so I’m pleased in this edition to bring attention to many local agencies, organizations, and resources that work together to serve the vulnerable and the broader community. Your help is appreciated in getting this information out to your friends and family.

Diets Uncomfortable to Sustain

Most diets create a large calorie deficit trying to achieve rapid weight loss. This leads to fatigue, mental fog, hair loss, poor sleep and feeling cold all the time. We can only follow a no fat, no carb, no sugar, no fun, no anything diet for so long. No one will do anything forever that feels significantly unpleasant. Before you start any diet ask yourself, “Can I see myself eating like this in 12 months from now?” If the answer is no — then the diet you’re thinking about starting isn’t sustainable.

Ideal Time to Donate to TLC

Make your donation count double between now and May 31 with the provincial donation matching opportunity. The Lending Cupboard is committed to assisting our community with needed medical equipment and supplies during COVID-19 in a safe way. TLC is open by appointment only during regular business hours Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 9 am-4:30 pm. To reserve equipment and book a pick-up appointment call 403-356-1678, messages will be returned as soon as possible. Returns are not being accepted at this time. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

PCN Resources and Support

If you are having ANY issues with your health, call your family doctor. They can help with whatever ails you, not just COVID-19. For life threating emergencies, visit the emergency department or call 9-1-1 IMMEDIATELY. Red Deer PCN is here to support your health and wellness. Tap into the support available through PCN. Mental Health Counsellors are available for therapy and other concerns. (For crisis, though, call CMHA 780.482.4357 or 403.266.4357.) Registered Nurses (Family Nurses) are available for chronic disease and other health related questions. Lastly, Kinesiologists can help you set up at home exercise programs and social connections. Call 403.343.9100 for info.

Donations Matched until May 31

The province will match, dollar for dollar, donations to charities and non-profits up to $2 million for donations made between April 15 through May 31, and organizations will be waiving any administration fees associated with the campaign. Alberta’s charities and non-profits and the gift of those who donate is an integral part of what makes us Albertan. By matching, we amplify the generosity of Albertans and boost the capacity of community organizations working tirelessly to make sure vulnerable Albertans are cared for during the pandemic.

Hearing Loss can Increase Risk

Issues associated with hearing loss can combine to create a higher risk for COVID-19. Communication challenges in healthcare settings and often lower levels of health literacy can increase the risk for medication and treatment errors. Loneliness, anxiety and depression from social isolation, a feeling often heightened in those with hearing loss, weaken the immune system, making them more susceptible. Attending to your hearing challenges now can be a step toward improved health and wellbeing. Hearing assessments and services are still available during this time, by appointment only, at your local Eyes and Ears Clinic.

Reach Out for Help

COVID-19 has added a layer of complexity to domestic and intimate partner violence, due to the vulnerability of families in our community, and isolation requirements. PLEASE KNOW THAT YOU ARE NOT ALONE. With our toll-free Crisis Line (1-888-346-5643) and text line 403-506-0485, we can provide crisis intervention, emotional support, and safety planning. We can connect and care for you, even in isolation. This resource is available 24 hours a day. Do not hesitate if you or your loved one requires resources.

Need for Blood is Constant

Blood and blood products are a critical part of everyday medical care including surgeries, emergency trauma care, cancer treatment and much more. Nobody ever anticipates needing blood transfusions. However, every 60 seconds someone in Canada needs blood. In fact, half of all Canadians will either need blood or know someone who will. In Red Deer, up to 1,300 blood donors are needed each month to meet the needs of patients locally. Our donor centre is located at #5, 5020 68 Street and open Tuesday to Saturday. Book now at

Online FREE Financial Seminars

Mon, May 4, “Smart Start to Mutual Funds” Online 3:15-4:30 pm Offers foundational knowledge of mutual funds and the process of selecting an appropriate fund. Mon, May 11, “Bring Balance to Your Budget” Online 3:15-4:30 pm Encourages developing a budget, identifying financial goals, understanding the balance between spending, saving and borrowing and having a strategy. Tue, May 19, “Preparing for the Unexpected: Life and Legacy” Shows how life insurance fits into overall financial strategy and how it will protect loved ones from unexpected events. RSVP is required. No charge. Call 403.341.9344 or email [email protected].