Community News
Tips for CPAP Therapy Success

– Use your CPAP all night, every night and while napping
– Use distilled water for your water chamber.
– Wash your CPAP mask daily (warm soapy water or mask cleaner and wipes).
– Check your filter every other week — clean or replace if dirty.
– Replace your mask and accessories every 6 months.
– Do not over tighten your mask; it may cause leaks and cause the seal to break.
– If you have any dryness in your nose or throat, try increasing the humidity.
– Keep in contact with your doctor and CPAP provider to ensure your success.
Dream Sleep Respiratory,

Other Risks Related to Falls

Sensory deficits create problems with sensation, whether it be with the eyes, ears or feeling in the feet, can increase your risk of falling. Check your eyesight and hearing regularly and talk to your doctor if you’re experiencing numbness in your feet. Blood pressure drops, especially when we quickly go from lying, or sitting, to standing, can interfere with balance, vision and coordination. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded when standing, sit until your head clears, stand up slowly and ensure you have good footing before taking a step.

Helping Turn Back Time

BOTOX® is a popular worldwide treatment that works by blocking nerve impulses to the muscles, causing them to relax. As a result, your expressions soften, and dynamic wrinkles are greatly reduced. Why are BOTOX® treatments so popular? – It doesn’t change the way you look but helps smooth away strong expression lines making you look younger and more relaxed. – It is extremely safe and effective, when administered by experienced physicians. – The treatment is virtually painless and can be administered in minutes. – The results can last up to 6 months.
Horizon Vein and Cosmetic Centre,

Open Streets – Cyclovia

Several downtown streets will close Sunday, August 11 for use of any non-motorized activity (e-bikes and scooters included) by people of all ages and abilities. Two satellite stations (Kerry Wood Nature Centre & the Red Deer Public Library Dawe Branch) will provide participants with maps and a guided bike ride to downtown. Themed activity zones include: sustainability/green living, community/culture, entertainment, active living, a market and child-friendly activities. Experience Cyclovia – be active, use active transportation, and learn about our trails and fabulous downtown. Mark your calendars and join this fun community event.

Considering Compression Stockings?

Compression is great for jobs with prolonged sitting or standing, pregnancy and pre and post-vein surgery. They are also great for everyday activities, like hiking, and jogging! Benefits include improving circulation, reducing swelling, and relieving achy and fatigued legs. Get them fitted by a trained professional and ensure the compression is graduated; strongest at the ankle and less as it moves up the leg. They come in various colors and styles to meet your needs and personal preferences. Most benefit plans cover medical compression stockings annually with a doctor’s prescription.

More Than Filling Prescriptions

Visit any Central Alberta Co-op Pharmacy to have a conversation about your medical history and to get your various questions from vitamins, herbals, to prescriptions answered. Your Co-op pharmacist can optimize drug therapy options and blood pressure and blood glucose levels. They provide injection services like Flu, Shingles, and B-12, and offer blister packaging, direct billing to most insurance companies and FREE delivery! Expired medications or vitamins kicking around? Bring them in. The pharmacists strive to help you manage your present health status, prevent disease and support you in achieving your wellness goals!

Play in Your Neighborhood

Red Deer has the most outdoor gyms per capita in Canada! Ten outdoor gyms are located throughout our neighborhoods. Each gym has 12 double fitness machines that give a broad-based general workout. Red Deer also has 2 disc golf courses located in Victoria Park and Kentwood. Plan a family outing or a fun challenge with a group of friends or neighbors. It’s summer, time to get outside and the gyms and disc golf are fun and free to everyone. For a list of outdoor gym locations or to print disc golf scorecards, go to

Jin Shin Jyutsu for Your Horse

New Date! June 15, 2019, 8:30 am – 5 pm. This intro to Jin Shin Jyutsu for you and your horse enhances your bond with your horse, aids in its healing, and reduces its pain and anxiety. Windhorse Retreat, Bluffton, AB. Call 403-343-7899 or email to register or for more details. $149 inc. textbook.

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