Studies suggest that children with autism spectrum disorder have impaired detoxification. Dr. Sonia McGowin, DC, shares, “As both a mother of a child with food allergies and learning disabilities, as well as a doctor specializing in children with autism, I find the IonCleanse® by AMD to be an invaluable part of the services I offer. The differences I see in my child and in my patients are astounding.” Adding a detoxifying footbath into your child’s health regimen can help with their overall wellbeing. The gentle, non-invasive treatment pulls a variety of toxins out of your child’s body through their feet.
Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini yoga is a form that blends several styles into one and emphasizes nerve strength over flexibility. Nerve strength means having the energy to meet the demands of the day and to be graceful in life’s challenging moments. A Kundalini yoga class incorporates spinal work, breath techniques, sound and rhythm. Students describe the effects as being both energizing and relaxing.With all of the different styles of yoga available there is a style suitable for every personality, fitness level and health condition. In the new year, consider trying various yoga styles to determine what might be the best fit for you.
3 Tips for Happy Holidays
Want to make this the best holiday season yet? Then keep reading! Try the following tips: 1. Eat warming whole foods. Anything with garlic, ginger, cayenne, chili, and cinnamon will help keep you warm. 2. Do a mini meditation. If you find yourself getting anxious in stores or crazy traffic, try exhaling longer than you inhale (six breaths in, eight breaths out). 3. Cut the sugar. Ask for “half sweet”, read the labels – if it says more than 8 grams, put it back; try the nut mix instead of the sugar cookie.
Product Review: Monashee Spring Water
Nestled 300 feet below the Monashee Mountain Range near Valemount, British Columbia lies a natural spring. Monashee Water is true spring water and it contains no chemicals or additives, only essential minerals. It’s also slightly alkaline, which many health practitioners believe helps balance your body’s pH and, as a result, enhances the body’s ability to heal itself. Experience the natural spring water difference.
Community Event: Healthy Fun for Everyone
Jan. 19. 10 am – 5 pm. The Healthy Living Expo showcases exhibitors and demonstrators that promote all aspects of wellness, sustainability, innovation and a healthy lifestyle. Join us at the Harvest Centre at Westerner Park.
Portion Control Shortcut
Want to know a great way to help with portion control and make yourself eat more slowly? Try cutting your food into smaller pieces! You’ll feel like you’re actually eating more food and it will slow you down as you eat. Any time I go out for sushi, I ask the chef to cut it into smaller pieces than they normally do. Give this a try at home or at restaurants and you’ll see a noticeable difference. In addition, put your fork down between bites. This little habit improves digestion and nutrient absorption, meaning fewer cravings later!
Hibernation, Not Only for Bears!
As we head full speed into winter, now is the time to work on a keystone habit, SLEEP. How many times have you nodded off in a meeting, felt sluggish while driving, or “hit the wall” in the afternoon? This is largely due to ignoring our body’s calls to rest. The best time frame for your body to rest is between 10 pm-6 am. Trouble falling asleep? Try a journal or notepad by your bed, remove all screens from your room, have a digestion-friendly light supper at 6 pm, and a breathing meditation to ease into slumber.
Plantar Wart Prevention
Plantar warts appear on the soles of your feet and toes and are spread by contact with moist, well-traveled surfaces like public showers and washrooms. Caused by HPV (type 1), the skin around the wart forms and thickens so it feels like a marble in your shoe. Prevention is key. I tell my patients to always wear flip flops in public change rooms and at the pool. Treatment varies depending on the physician, but it usually requires several visits two weeks apart. A wart can get better on its own after 2 years, but it can feel like a lot longer!
Estate Planning Concerns
Caring for an aging parent can be both stressful and challenging. You want what’s best for them, but if you have concerns about the circumstances leading up to the preparation of their will, now is the time to deal with it while they have the capacity to effectively participate in the review and discussion with a lawyer. Often, the reluctance to have these discussions means that they are put off until the parent has lost capacity. At that point, it may be too late to ensure their actual wishes are carried out.
Strong & Steady
Did you know that falls are the most common cause of injury in Canada? According to a recent Canadian study, exercise can cut your chance of falling in half. If you are unsteady on your feet due to age or other health challenges, the Red Deer Primary Care Network’s Strong & Steady four-week program can help you. Learn exercises in a group setting to increase your strength, flexibility, and balance. Call 403-343-9100 to register. You can also ask your family doctor or PCN health care professional for a referral.
Better Posture, Better Health
Modern living has many of us sitting for several hours a day, often staring down at a screen leading to sore necks and backs. Slumping prevents us from taking nice, deep breaths into the lungs, which scientists believe affects our heart health. In yoga classes, students are asked to have an “open–hearted” posture with the spine in its neutral, natural position, and the shoulders rolled down and back. Try a posture realignment right now – inhale and roll the shoulders forward and up towards the ears, then exhale and roll them down the back. Repeat 3 times and see how you feel!