How can you tell whether a retirement living community fosters a sense of belonging? The feeling a welcoming and inclusive environment creates sounds like this:
● Millie shares, “I am grateful for my home at the Hamlets; I feel valued and cared for.”
● Jeanette reveals, “I love our Knit Wit Club; volunteers Bonnie and Shirley are wonderful. I love all the outings on our bus and the smiling staff.”
● Dell declares, “I love how the staff are so friendly. I also love the full kitchens in the suites; the dishwasher and full-size fridge are a huge bonus! Really feels like home here.”
Exciting Mortar & Pesto News
Mortar & Pesto is now an official Advanced Orthomolecular Research (AOR) Pro Dispensary. AOR’s line of products has a large volume of research supporting the health safety and effectiveness of each formulation. Well-researched and evidence-based therapies, these products offer some of the most effective natural options available in Canada. AOR offers a unique approach to personalized nutrition. Available through prescription only, Mortar & Pesto Natural Pharmacy will assess which AOR Pro line formulation will best suit your individual needs. Everyone’s biology is different, and it is so important to find out what your body needs to thrive.
Reducing Exposure to Toxins
Did you know that many Canadian adults have dangerous levels of mercury, lead, and cadmium in their bloodstream and that the average newborn has over 200 industrial chemicals, pollutants, and pesticides in their blood? From environmental pollutants, to our lotions, deodorants, fragrances, soaps, makeup, plastics, non-stick pans, laundry detergents, dryer sheets, cleaners, and even our food, all have toxic elements that are easily absorbed by the body. Since we are exposed to more toxins than ever before, consider making small changes in your daily routine and purchases – sometimes it’s the simplest of changes that make the difference.
Pet Health: Laser Application in Surgery
Piper Creek Veterinary Clinic wants our pets to heal properly with reduced pain, so using a laser during surgery is a valuable asset in our practice. It helps in the recovery of our companions in two ways: less bleeding since the laser cauterizes when it cuts, plus less pain as it helps to seal nerve endings. These benefits result in quicker recovery times as well as reduced post-surgery pain. Although initially designed for spay and neuter surgeries, it is a nice tool for removing lumps of all types in addition to countless other applications for your animal needs.
Community Event: Healthy Me Expo
Nov. 19-24. Mall hours. Bower Place – The Great Indoors Market, Old SEARS location. Visit with LOCAL health professionals, businesses and groups. See their displays, demos and presentations promoting all aspects of wellness – mind, body and soul! It’s an excellent chance to find a Christmas gift for others or for yourself…the gift of health. Be sure to drop by the Wellnessnews booth to say “hi” and enter to win some amazing draw prizes.
Community Event: Art Classes with Sally Towers-Sybblis
Several Fall classes to choose from such as Zen Inspired Landscape Cards, Watercolor Class and Lettering Art Guild led by Sally Towers-Sybblis. No experience necessary. Visit ‘Events’ section of or call 403-597-1594 to register.
Community Event
Sugar Plum Fair
Nov. 18. 1:30-3:30 pm.
6 Daykin St.
All are welcome to a fun-filled afternoon at The Hamlets at Deer Park. There is something special for everyone in your family! Visits with Santa, FREE horse & carriage rides, shop local vendors for festive gifts, hot cocoa, snacks and more! Bring your winter spirit and cheer to this festive event. Donations to the Food Bank appreciated. For more information call 403-309-6333.
Community Event: Run Red Deer Race Series 2018
Final race in the series. Explore the city of Red Deer one pathway at a time! There is still one event that is open to all ages and abilities on October 27 – see ad for details. Chip timing and low fees, a great way to stay motivated all year long. Register today!
Art Classes with Sally Towers-Sybblis
Several Fall classes to choose from such as Zen Inspired Landscape Cards, Watercolor Class and Lettering Art Guild led by Sally Towers-Sybblis. No experience necessary. Visit ‘Events’ section of or call 403-597-1594 to register.
Try This for Better Digestion
As we observe the changing colours and dry chill of the fall, so too must we adapt. The more we follow nature’s lead, the easier our lives can become. To live with more ease, consider eating your largest meal at lunch. Your metabolism is strongest between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., and reaches its peak at high noon, so take advantage of that and eat a warm, nourishing lunch. Consider an immune-boosting root vegetable soup, or a warming Buddha bowl, or maybe try Kitchari – an Eastern rice and mung bean dish known for its nourishing and cleansing properties.
Connecting Children with Nature
Studies show that there are numerous benefits for connecting children with nature at an early age. It supports creativity and problem solving; enhances cognitive abilities; improves academic performance; reduces Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) symptoms; increases physical activity; improves nutrition, eyesight, social relations, self-discipline and reduces stress. Kerry Wood Nature Centre,