Community News
3 Steps to Kickstart Your Wellness

Feel stuck? Want to make some changes but don’t know where to start? 1. Decide you’re worth it. Take accountability to make better decisions. Self care is crucial; you can’t give from an empty bucket. 2. What’s your biggest challenge? List your challenges then narrow it down to your top three. Choose one to focus on that will provide the most value to you right now. 3: Plan and take action. Do 3 achievable things in the next 2 weeks to move you closer to solving this challenge. Repeat this process. Congratulations, you’ve kickstarted your wellness! Kendra Irvine, Certified Wellness Coach, Living Light,

Community Event

Jan. 31. 2pm. “Mengagement” is a unique gathering of men to ponder how might the Red Deer community encourage healthier aging. Gentlemen start your brain, your engine of creativity. Let the race begin. Golden Circle for more information call 403-343-6074

Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause

Most commonly this occurs when a woman passes into menopause and also in women experiencing induced menopause. Recently, this condition has been renamed Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM). While many painful symptoms are experienced by as many as 50% of postmenopausal women, many women who experience these symptoms feel that it is just a normal part of the aging process and nothing can be done about it. These issues affect a women’s quality of life both physically and psychologically. There is, however, a new treatment available for this very common disorder – The MonaLisa Touch® is a fast, safe, and simple treatment that provides lasting results. Women Imaging Center,