Many people are aware that Alzheimer’s disease (early onset or late onset) is caused by an amino acid plaque named amyloid beta. However, there are very few who are aware the plaque may blind the old. Recent studies indicate the plaque may cause two blinding ailments. One is macular degeneration, and the other is glaucoma. Macular degeneration, characterized by progressive loss of central vision leading to irreversible blindness, affects about 50 million individuals globally. Studies have shown that some kinds of glaucoma, not all kinds, may be related to the pathogenic plaque. Supplements are available for removing or neutralizing the plaque. Yong Han Lee, ReVitamins of Charleswood,
Community Event
Nov. 4, 9-5 p.m. Understanding the Face I See workshop. Use face reading techniques to predict your future, detect health conditions, and reveal your true character! 236 Lanark St. Cost: $150. Register early, as space is limited.
Celebrate Medication Safety Week
Medication Safety Week (MSW) is Canada’s only national campaign to raise awareness of patient safety and related programs and initiatives. Thousands of healthcare professionals, patients, and their families will take part in events and activities related to medication safety in their organizations, facilities, and communities. MSW started in 2005 and is now an annual event to keep the issue of patient safety foremost in the minds of Canadians. Medication safety issues can impact health outcomes, length of stay in a healthcare facility, readmission rates, and overall costs to Canada’s healthcare system. Join us in celebrating Medication Safety Week, October 30 to November 8, 2017.
Care at Home Pharmacy,
Thai Curry Carrot and Pumpkin Soup
• 2 cups carrots, peeled and diced • 1-1/2 cups cubed pumpkin • 1 can coconut milk • 4 cups chicken stock • 1 Tbsp. green Thai curry paste • 2 cloves garlic • 1 Tbsp. freshly grated ginger • 1/2 tsp. each, salt and pepper • 1/4 tsp. cumin • 1/4 cup shredded coconut • madras curry powder. 1. Cook carrots and pumpkin without browning over medium heat for 10 mins. 2. Add spices, curry, and ginger. Stir and cook for 2 minutes. Add chicken stock, coconut milk, and coconut. 3. Cook on medium heat for 35 minutes. Blend with blender. Enjoy! Lisa Kehler,
Community Event
Oct. 21: Sit Back and Be Soothed! Try out the world’s best – The Inada DreamWave Massage Chair. Call to reserve your FREE 30 min. appointment. Aviva Natural Health Solutions, 204-947-6789 1224 St. James St. Wpg.
Oct. 28: Is Your Water Safe? Nathan Zassman, Nutritional Therapist and President of Aviva Natural Health Solutions is hosting an informational event on water filtration systems. Reserve your spot: 204-947-6789 1224 St. James St. Wpg.
Never Stop Dating!
You found love and are expecting it to be until ‘til death do you part. It is so important to remember to always nurture your relationship and never take it for granted. Keep in mind the planning that went into dates before you were married. You always carefully chose what you were going to wear. You put great effort into arranging the date and presented as your best. This must be maintained to continue to fall in love with your partner each day. Far too often people become complacent and stop putting the effort into one another that they did when they were trying to capture their partner’s heart. Now that you have it, by all means cherish it! Lianne Tregobov, Camelot Introductions,
What Do Denturists Do?
Denturists help those who are missing some or all of their natural teeth. They design, repair, reline, and make removable dental appliances. Your denturist will collaborate with you, your family, and other healthcare professionals to promote and maintain your oral health.
When making a set of dentures, the objectives are:
• supporting and protecting your gums and the bones in your mouth;
• enhancing your face and holding your jaws the proper distance apart;
• carefully choosing individual teeth to match what you already have; and
• allowing you to speak clearly and chew without stress.
Andrew Fast, Fast Dentures,
Book Club
Adventures for Your Soul: 21 Ways to Transform Your Habits and Reach Your Full Potential by Shannon Kaiser. Sometimes, the one thing you need to make a change is to see things from a fresh perspective. Discover 21 innovative explorations to boldly confront the habits that are holding you back. Shannon Kaiser’s program utilizes an empowering process that encourages you to go on adventures for your soul, so you can:
• Achieve your goals
• Remove limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns
• Feel freedom from fear and live with purpose and passion
• Be unapologetic about your innermost desires
• Make happiness your natural way of life
Eating for the Season
According to traditional Chinese medicine, all living beings are viewed in relation to the surrounding environment. The Chinese widely believe that we are what we eat, and most dietary guidelines follow nature. According to traditional Chinese medicine philosophies, if we eat seasonal foods that are similar in nature to the external environment, we remain in harmony with the environment, adapt better to changes in the season, and stay healthy. In autumn, the dry, colder weather usually causes an itchy throat, and dry skin, so we need to eat to promote the production of body fluids, such as pumpkin, honey, and soups.
Jazz Up Your Brain
Attending to your brain function is not just an alternative consideration or luxury. It is fundamental to optimal brain health. When the network of your brain neurons works in synchrony, it is like having a wonderful jazz conductor supporting the engagement of the large number of musicians in their concert band. Your body needs the master regulator to listen, improvise, and interact with your body organs so you have a fluid system responding to the challenges of the moment. Brainwave Optimization supports your brain function in a comprehensive way so you can live your life with the dynamic “call and response” paradigm of jazz.
To Be or To Do – That is The Question?
With fall brings a never-ending list of things to do that can throw many of us into a state of overwhelming overload. While falling asleep at night, how do you look back and measure your day? Do you reflect on how much you accomplished by checking off your list that doesn’t seem to get any smaller? What would happen if instead we sat quietly at the end of the day and reflected on the quality of our day: was I loving and compassionate with self and others? , was I mindful of the beauty around me?, did I smile and engage with life?, Did I find joy in what I was doing? The quality of my life dramatically changed once I began embodying a state of calmness and ease inside that I carried with me throughout my to do’s, operating more as a human being that a human doing. D’Arcy Bruning-Haid,