Community News
Clean Eating: Arugula & Strawberry Salad


1 tbsp organic ghee
1 tbsp fennel seeds
1 tsp cardamom,
1 quart fresh strawberries, halved
2 bunches arugula
1 cucumber, chopped
2 tbsp honey or maple syrup
1 lemon, freshly juiced
2 tbsp warm water
1/2 tsp black pepper


Heat ghee in small skillet over medium heat.
Add fennel seeds and roast until golden brown.
Add cardamom.
Combine ghee and fennel mixture with strawberries in salad bowl.
Wash arugula, tear and toss with strawberries.
Combine honey, lemon juice, water and black pepper in jar and shake well.
Pour over salad and serve.

Serves 6

Kalee Mund

Lampe Berger and Animal Hospital of MB

The perfect fit! The Lampe Berger removes odors, kills bacteria and fragrances the air. Developed by a pharmaceutical chemist, each lamp features under its stylish cap, a patented catalytic burner that destroys odors and helps purify the air – eliminating up to 68% of any airborne bacteria before the fragrance is dispersed. Destroy a whole range of odors at the molecular level including; pet odors, and many other forms of household pollution. Berger lamps and Berger line of unique technology that purifies the air in closed rooms like no other system. This little lamp will freshen and fragrance the air as much or as little as you would like. The Animal Hospital of Manitoba conveniently carries a wide range Lampe Berger’s to eradicate pet odors in your home.

Shockwave Therapy

Radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy is a relatively new modality in the physical therapy world. Shockwave is a fast and effective method of reducing or completely eliminating a variety of painful conditions of the musculoskeletal system. The treatment process stimulates and accelerates the healing process. Many clients report an immediate relief after the treatment, many conditions requiring less than 10 treatments. Shockwave has been shown, in short term, to have a 56-90% success rate in treatment of soft tissue disorders (Gerdesmeyer, 2008). Some benefits of shockwave therapy include; no surgery or anesthesia, decreased pain and increased function, no incision (therefore no risk of infection at the treatment site), and leaves no scarring. Patients can continue their current level of activities and future treatments are not limited. Common treatable conditions: tennis/golfer’s elbow, Plantar Fasciitis, frozen shoulder and shoulder pain, jumper’s knee, chronic back and neck pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, contracture conditions (Dupytron’s), Achilles Tendinitis, and scar tissue treatment.

Vital Life

New in your Neighborhood

Reflexology, Therapeutic Touch and Tarot Card Readings services are now available at European Skin Care Plus at 555 Academy Rd. Spring is a great time to make positive changes to your life. Reflexology is the application of pressure to areas on the feet, hands and ears. A great effective way to alleviate stress, reduce pain and psychological symptoms such as; anxiety, depression, and lack of sleep. Therapeutic Touch is a non-invasive method of healing by altering your energy field through a transfer of energy (prana) from the hands of the practitioner to the patient. Therapeutic Touch helps brain waves to induce a relaxed state, reduce pain, accelerate healing, raise hemoglobin values and improve the immune system. Have you ever wanted to see how your ‘guides’ can help you? Have your Tarot Cards read to find your answers on personal and professional future outcomes.

Darlene Lamontagne
European Skin Care Plus

It’s Spring! Time to Edit. Clean. Organize. Simplify.

So, you’ve been putting off that job… you know, going through that junk drawer (or is it that junk closet, or junk room?). It can be tough to get started, but the results can be so very rewarding. A garage that could actually house your car; an organized office rather than a room that acts as a paper wasteland; the spare room full of stuff that could serve as a guest room once again. And how about the overflowing kitchen cupboards, the boxes in the basement? Join the others who have fallen in love with their home once again. Many clients have enjoyed the camaraderie of having a small team complete a daunting project. Let us help you jump start this process. We love what we do and are always on the lookout for Great Clients!

Simple and Sensible Eating

1. Change your definitions of full. You should feel as if you could get up, go outside and take a brisk walk. Stop eating when you get to that point.

2. Make a plan. Think about where you will be, what foods will be available and make a plan of action.

3. Quit judging yourself. You’re not necessarily “good” if you eat a salad or “bad” if you eat fudge. They’re both just food.

4. Forget “all or nothing.” If you’re feeling that you’ve already “blown it” don’t use that feeling as an excuse to raid the cookie jar at night.

5. Get a move on. In addition to burning calories, exercising 30 minutes per day, is a great way to deal with stress. Exercise is the fountain of youth and one of the best investments you can make for your health. Remember balance and moderation.

Source: Linda Nye, RD MPH.

Spring – A Time for Metamorphosis and Change

The cocoon is a place where the butterfly spends its time getting ready to emerge and fly with new wings. The metamorphosis journey with its dark, warm environment embodies the mystery of the unknown and supports change to occur ever so gradually moving from one stage to another. Winter is our cocoon and spring is our opportunity to shed old habits, shift, release and transform ways that no longer work for us. With the new season I offer you a daily meditation to support the shifts you are making. Think of something you are ready to let go of. Imagine yourself in the safety of a dark comfortable cocoon rich with all the ingredients you need to make the changes you are wanting. You are fully supported and held and given full permission to transform and lighten with each breath you take. Your senses awaken giving you the strength to grow your wings so you can fly with ease and effortlessness.

D’Arcy Bruning-Haid

Book Club: Healing Lyme Disease Coinfections

Complementary And Holistic Treatments For Bartonella and Mycoplasma, by Stephen Harrod Buhner.

A guide to the natural treatment of two of the most common and damaging co-infections of Lyme disease–Bartonella and Mycoplasma. Reveals how these conditions often go undiagnosed, complicate Lyme treatment, and cause a host of symptoms–from arthritis to severe brain dysfunction. Outlines natural treatments for both infections, with herbs and supplements for specific symptoms and to combat overreactions of the immune system. Reviews the latest scientific research on Bartonella and Mycoplasma coinfections and how treatment with antibiotics is often ineffective.

Pet Health

Want to get fit while hanging out with your dog?

No longer do owners need to choose between going to the gym and spending time with their own dogs. These classes are the first of their kind to be offered in Winnipeg and are designed for humans and dogs of all fitness levels and all fitness goals. Our goal is to create an environment where each individual team can be nurtured and supported in getting fit and having fun together, all while building a beautiful connection with each other. These classes can be used for socializing puppies and adult dogs, connecting with your dog, creating family time, getting an overweight dog in shape, having fun while burning off the dogs’ energy and the list goes on and on!

Contact Grassroots Canine today to get started on a new leash on life!

Shalin Hustad

Book Club: The pH Miracle

Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health
by Robert O. Young, PhD, and Shelley Redford Young.

Never count calories, fat grams, or portion size again! Your body’s pH balance is the key to optimal health, weight, mental clarity, and overall vigor. Strike the right balance by nourishing your body with certain foods to create an alkaline environment, and say good-bye to low energy, poor digestion, extra pounds, aches and pains, and disease. This innovative program, proven effective over decades, works with your body’s chemistry to revitalize and maintain your health. Now completely revised, updated, and expanded, this classic guide includes the latest research and reveals the secrets of an alkaline-based diet (think plant-based, non-processed whole foods). Learn about how to remove toxins and balance your life with the incredible health benefits of this program.

Clean Eating: Spring Masala

Help balance your digestive system.


1 tsp. cumin seeds
1 tsp. cardamom seeds
2 tbsp. coriander seeds
1 tsp. black peppercorns
1 tbsp. yellow mustard seeds.

Dry roast seeds together in a cast iron frying pan, until mustard seeds start to pop.
Grind all seeds and spices using hand grinder or mortar and pestle into a fine powder and store in an airtight glass jar.
Great on steamed vegetables, stir fry, soups, popcorn.

Kalee Mund

AJAX Loader