Community News
Made in Manitoba: Rawnata

Need a light, healthy snack to munch on during your coffee break?
Try Rawnata Hemp Snackers, available in chocolate, vanilla, and goji. Hemp Snackers are crunchy energy bars that supply protein, fibre, and Omega 3’s.

Need a healthy cracker that contains no flour?
Flax Crackers may be the solution! Pair them with cheese, gourmet jams, gourmet mustards, salsas, and hummus for a wonderful treat.

Rawnata is a modern twist on the Latin name “renate”, which means “reborn”. Rawnata is a Manitoba company that focuses on utilizing raw flax, hemp, and chia seeds. No flour, no additives, no preservatives and no empty calories. We use nothing but raw organic seeds, other nutrient-dense and purposeful vegan ingredients to renew and energize you. Ingredients are sourced locally, where and when possible.

Positive Change

You probably have things in your life that you would like to change. It is easy to approach this desire to change from a position of negativity and hostility. We say to ourselves, “I’m going to kick this weight problem if it’s the last thing I do” or “I refuse to be stuck in this lousy job forever.” What we don’t realize is that negativity steals our energy. Running away from something rather than moving toward something leaves us drained and depletes our motivation. That’s why it’s often easier to lose weight once you start to see physical results. Our minds shift from thoughts like “I don’t want to be heavy” to “I want more of this getting thin stuff”. Make a list of things you would like to be different in your life and try to phrase your goals in a positive way. See how much more empowering it is to focus on what you do want rather than what you don’t want.

Tiffany Prochera

Natural Product: Cardioflex Q10

A supportive nutritional supplement for doctor recommended diet and exercise plans that is designed for cardiovascular health. Cardioflex Q1O is a unique blend of vitamins and amino proteins taken daily as supportive natural therapy to enrich cardiovascular health, establish cholesterol balance, and reduce CRP (C-reactive protein).

  • Strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • Dissolve atherosclerotic plaque.
  • Relieve the pain of angina pectoris (chest pain).
  • Reduce the likelihood of blood clotting, heart attack or stroke.
  • Increase heart and other muscle strength and stamina.
  • Reduce blood and tissue lipids (fats) and cholesterol.
  • Reduce C-reactive protein (CRP indicates artery inflammation) as well as homocysteine levels.
  • Increase antioxidant intake and activity to slow aging.
  • Help natural immunity against viral, fungal, and bacterial diseases, including antibiotic-resistant strains.
  • Reduce hypertension and improve overall circulation.
  • Manitoba Made, Innotech Nutrition product.

It’s Spring! Time to Edit. Clean. Organize

So you’ve been putting off that job…you know, going through that junk drawer (or is it that junk closet, or junk room?). It can be tough to get started, but the results can be so very rewarding. A garage that could actually house your car; an organized office rather than a room that acts as a paper wasteland; the spare room full of stuff that could serve as a guest room once again. And how about the overflowing kitchen cupboards, the boxes in the basement?

Join the others who have fallen in love with their home once again. Many clients have enjoyed the camaraderie of having a small team complete a daunting project. Let us help you jump start this process. We love what we do and are always on the on the lookout for Great Clients!

Unthaw & Release the Layers

Spring…the perfect time for you to unthaw and release the layers that are no longer needed or useful. By shedding the old and awakening the new we lighten our load and free up new energy and ways of being that can bring in more joy and ease into our everyday life. Expand, refuel and renew our life force and open our hearts as we dance into the delights of new possibilities…on Saturday May 9th come join us for a workshop called Freeing our Sacred Self; Renewing and refuelling our energies for Spring.

D’Arcy Bruning-Haid
M.A. Counselling is a therapist in private practice working with individuals and couples from a mind-body perspective.

Transform your Life for a Better You!

When those Spring winds blow it signals time for change. Embrace this Spring as a new adventure, an opportunity to learn something new about yourself. What if you could sample a class or learn about a teacher before committing funds to a series? The 7th annual Spirit Seekers at Fort Garry Hotel March 20-22 is a great place to sample a variety of workshops, expert authors and teachers. Enjoy it as a weekend retreat, a single day or class to awaken, energize and reconnect. Have some fun and get a psychic reading from one of 15 different readers varying from angel, tarot to flame. Net proceeds from the Psychic Fair benefit CancerCare Manitoba where all funds raised stay in Manitoba. Browse the marketplace for all your books, tools and jewellery needs. View this year’s exciting program at

Book Club: Disease-Proof

by David L. Katz, MD, MPH.

The skills you need to slash your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and more—by 80 percent. Though we may not realize it, our behaviour has tremendous effects on our health, well-being, and even gene expression.

In Disease-Proof, renowned preventive medicine specialist Dr. David Katz reveals that we can reduce our risk of any chronic disease:

  1. Choose wisely from different classes of macronutrients (complex carbohydrate, lean protein, and healthy fats).
  2. Create a healthy plate with the proper ratio of foods – half veggies, one-quarter whole grains or a starchy vegetable, one-quarter lean protein.
  3. Exercise portion control so you don’t accidentally overeat.
  4. Figure out how to satisfy your emotional needs without food by doing something else that soothes or excites you.
  5. Get in the right frame of mind before you eat and expect to be satisfied by a reasonable amount of food.
Kalee’s Golden Milk Recipe

Creamy, faintly sweet, fragrant, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, deeply nourishing, warming and perfect for cold winter days.


½ tsp Turmeric powder or fresh turmeric root
¼ tsp Ginger powder or fresh ginger root
½ tsp Cinnamon powder
¼ tsp Cardamom powder
1 or 2 Dates, chopped
2 tsps. Ghee (clarified butter)
1 cup of Milk of your choice (make sure its good quality, organic milk or nut milk, best thing to do is make your own nut milk to insure no unwanted additives)


Pour the milk (whichever you choose) into a saucepan and add the spices, dates and ghee. Turn the heat to med-high and warm the ingredients together until little bubbles begin to creep up the sides of the pot. Turn off the heat and cover the saucepan for about 3mins allowing it to steep. Pour into a cup and serve warm.

Note: there should be no need to add any other sweetener as the dates will have sweetened the milk while warming. But if you do need to add some honey.

Giving Back – Turning Leaf

At Turning Leaf, we’re seeing people differently. We see that man on the street, disheveled, dirty, talking to himself, asking for money. Many see just a homeless, mentally ill panhandler.

We see Albert. A brother, and a son. We’re committed to people like Albert and to his family.

Turning Leaf (Inc.) is dedicated to providing crisis intervention and treatment services to youth and adults experiencing intellectual challenge and mental illness. Turning Leaf is compassionate, trained people helping those vulnerable and marginalized while they struggle with the seemingly insurmountable obstacles of homelessness, poverty, victimization, isolation, and loneliness. With services throughout Manitoba, Turning Leaf offers those that are hurting with housing, addictions treatment, women’s shelters, and counselling. These services all work tirelessly to make lasting relationships, support healthy change, and, above all, share hope.

Visit or call 204-221-5594 to hear more about how we see people differently … and how you can too.

New Product Launch

Zen Bodi™ is a POWERFUL Youth Enhancement System that targets fat lose by turning it into muscle! There are three parts to this amazing system – Zen Shape, Zen Fit and Zen Pro that work quickly and effectively to exchange fat for muscle!

1. A potent blend of whey, rice, and pea proteins into ZEN Pro™—to build the power you need to tone up.
2. Zen Shape™ with African mango seed extract, green tea leaf extract, and raspberry keytones, ZEN Shape™ fights sugar cravings while controlling hunger. Meticulously developed, ZEN Shape™ was made to prepare the body for fat loss.
3. ZEN Fit™ is a rich source of amino acids, which aid with muscle recovery as well as with the digestion of proteins. They are also important for burning fat and helping to lift your mood.

Time to make the change to a healthier lifestyle. Check out Zen Bodi™

Quality Living Network

Who cares for the caregiver?

Done & Done Family Concierge Services, Part Three: Caregiver Burnout

Caring for another can be very overwhelming, often at the expense of our own personal needs. Though our actions are well intended, we are often the last to realize that our limit has been reached. Stress can take a huge toll on our physical & emotional well being. We all need assistance at different times in our lives. Though difficult, we must reach out and accept help! There are friends, family, neighbours, support groups, organizations, professionals – a wide variety of resources available that may provide the support you require. We take pride in supporting families, and are always on the lookout for Great Clients.

Done & Done Family Concierge Service

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