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Wellness Trivia Questions

1. Humans share 98.8% of their DNA with which animal? 2. Which muscle of the human body can exert the most pressure? 3. More than half of your bones are located in which two parts of the body? 4. Which cetacean has the largest brain of any mammal?

Clean Eating: Healthy Peach Crumble

10 ripe peaches; 2 Tbsp arrowroot powder; 1 tsp vanilla; 1 Tbsp lemon juice; 3 Tbsp coconut sugar; 1/4 tsp nutmeg; 1 cup rolled oats; 1 cup almond flour; 1/3 cup coconut sugar; 1/4 tsp salt; 1/4 tsp cinnamon; 1/3 cup almond butter; 1/2 cup melted coconut oil; 1 tsp vanilla. Preheat oven to 350F and prepare baking dish with nonstick spray. In a bowl, combine sliced peaches, arrowroot powder, vanilla, lemon, coconut sugar, and nutmeg until coated. While peaches sit, prepare crumble topping by combining oats, almond flour, coconut sugar, salt. and cinnamon. Add in almond butter, coconut oil, and vanilla and mix well. Pour peaches into dish and sprinkle crumble topping over top. Pat down. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until crust is golden brown.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

My face in the mirror isn’t wrinkled or drawn. My house isn’t dirty. The cobwebs are gone. My garden looks lovely and so does my lawn. I think I might never put my glasses back on.

The Power of Embracing Discomfort

Suffering doesn’t mean something is wrong. It is a normal part of life. How often are you trying to fix or change your uncomfortable emotions of irritability, sadness, guilt, fear, and anger instead of sitting with them and trusting that this is all part of the human experience? When we learn to trust, surrender, and let go of the need to control situations and feel positive emotions all the time, that’s when anxiety goes away. Where in your life are you always trying to control the outcome? What happens if you don’t?

How Is Your Cardiovascular Health?

Many people are not diagnosed with cardiovascular disease until the condition worsens to the point where they have angina, blood clots, stroke, or heart failure. That’s why it is important to start taking steps toward a healthy heart and arteries today. A good screening test for early signs of disease is Biofeedback Testing. This non-invasive computerized testing will assess your cardiovascular system. The information can then be used to devise a specific program to improve your heart efficiency and arterial health before symptoms occur, or even if symptoms are already present.

Many Benefits of Vibroacoustic Therapy

Vibroacoustic therapy, or, sound healing, offers numerous benefits for the mind, body, and spirit. Through various vibrations and frequencies, sound healing promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and calms the mind. It can also help balance energy centers within the body, known as chakras, restoring harmony, and promoting overall well-being. Vibroacoustic therapy has been shown to enhance meditation, improve sleep quality, and alleviate anxiety and depression symptoms. Additionally, it can stimulate creativity and boost focus and concentration. Sound healing is a non-invasive and enjoyable practice that offers a holistic approach to healing, promoting a sense of deep relaxation and inner peace.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is a potent ally in combating muscular discomfort, tensions, aches, and sports injuries. By targeting deep muscle layers, this therapeutic technique enhances blood circulation, reduces inflammation, and releases toxins. Through focused pressure, it improves mobility, flexibility, and reduces pain. Deep tissue massage is particularly beneficial for chronic pain and rehabilitating sports injuries. With its precise approach, it offers long-lasting relief, making it an essential tool for those seeking to overcome muscular ailments.

Disability Tax Credit: Combating Inflation

The Disability Tax Credit (DTC) is a valuable tool in mitigating the impacts of inflation and rising costs of living for individuals with disabilities. By accessing this credit, individuals can receive financial relief that helps them manage their daily expenses. The DTC provides tax breaks for eligible individuals with disabilities, recognizing the additional costs associated with their condition. It offers a means to offset the financial burden imposed by inflation and increasing living expenses, such as medical costs, adaptive equipment, and specialized care. By claiming the DTC, individuals can access much-needed financial support, ensuring their ability to maintain a decent quality of life despite economic challenges.

Starting the Conversation

Starting a discussion about care needs with a senior loved one can be difficult. Deciding when to start the conversation is important. It is never too early to discuss what care might be needed and the desires of the person that will be receiving care. 9 out of 10 seniors want to remain in their home as they age and in-home care can help them. There are many options for in-home care, from the type of care services to the number of hours a week. Making plans before there is an emergency or sudden problem in the senior’s home helps alleviate stress for everyone.