Community News
Allergy Relief at Last!

NAET® was discovered by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad in November of 1983. Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques, also known as NAET, are non-invasive, drug-free, natural solutions to alleviate allergies of all types using a blend of selective energy balancing, testing, and treatment procedures. The variety of techniques applied includes acupuncture/ acupressure, chiropractic, nutritional, and kinesiological disciplines of medicine. We know that many symptoms, such as headaches, backache, joint pain, indigestion, or cough, are often triggered by food and environmental sensitivities. If left untreated, these reactions might eventually cause illness. This therapy often alleviates adverse reactions to eggs, milk, peanuts, penicillin, aspirin, mushrooms, shellfish, latex, grass, ragweed, and flowers. In addition, people who suffer from allergens such as perfume, animal dander, animal epithelial, makeup, chemicals, cigarette smoke, pathogens, heat, cold, and other environmental substances also find relief.

Dr. Li Lin
Brandon Acupuncture Chinese Medicine & Herbal Centre,

Dogs & Essential Oils

Did you know that the same essential oils that you use on yourselves can be used on your dog?

Lots of us have jumped on the bandwagon of natural health and have now incorporated a lot more homeopathic remedies into our family life, but we shouldn’t leave our four-legged family members out!

A lot of the same essential oils (EOs) that we use for ourselves can also be used for the exact same purpose on our dogs! The only difference being that animal are A LOT more sensitive than people so it’s crucial to make sure that the EOs used are good quality pure essential oils with no fillers or additives.

Dogs are also very sensitive to smell, so we have to be careful how much oil you are using and how you are using it.

For example, if you are diffusing in a closed room with your dog, make sure to use less drops or leave a door open for the pet to leave if he becomes overwhelmed. You can also apply an oil diluted to your hands and let the dog smell from 8-10” away. Some recipes can be used in a spritz to spray the coat or can be petted on the dog.

Whatever way you are using EOs with your dog, introduce new oils slowly at first, less is more!

Dilution ratios for dogs should also be closely heeded, depending on size of the animal. To start I always add more carrier oil until I know how the animal will react. A carrier oil could be anything from olive oil, sweet almond oil to coconut oil

0-25 lbs – 75% dilution (1 drop oil to 4-5 drops carrier oil)

26-45lbs – 50-75% dilution

46-75 lbs – 25-50% dilution

76-90 lbs – 50% dilution

91 + lbs – 25% dilution

You can also create a spritz with distilled water and a few drops of essential oils. Spray the fur (avoiding the face and eyes). This application is great for a bug spray or cooling spray in the Summer.

Topical applications would include the area of concern (a rash or a painful joint), or you can just dilute and apply down head, neck and back of the animal. Here are some good oils to start with on dogs:

Lavender – Use for skin issues like rashes and scrapes. Apply down the back to enhance relaxation and help with stress.

Lemon – Add lemon essential oil to a ribbon at the door for ‘scent marking’. This will help older dogs find their way outside or help puppies associate the scent to house training. Or diffuse for a fresh and clean scent.

Peppermint – Helps with tummy issues (apply topically to area). It also helps to cool the animal in the Summer either by spritzing on coat or adding a drop to their water.

Ylang Ylang & Tangerine or Orange – Helps with grieving or loss. And reduction in anxiety.

Frankincense – Helps with anxiety and dogs going through a transition. For fearful dogs. Also good for skin issues like fatty lumps or skin tags.

One of the most commonly requested remedy is one for repelling fleas and ticks for your dog. Different EOs repel different bugs so here a few ideas on how to keep pesky critters away from your pooch!

Cedar Wood & Geranium are super flea and tick repellents!

Eucalyptus & Peppermint for stinging bugs.

Citronella and Myrtle for Mosquitoes and biting insects.


Here is an all-purpose recipes for bug repellant using essential oils:

Doggie Bug Spray:

-4 drops citronella

-3 drops cedar wood

-3 drops geranium

-2 drops myrtle

-2 drops peppermint

-1 drop thyme

Add to an 8oz bottle of distilled water. Shake well before every use. You can also add a 8 drops of Neem Oil to the mixture as it is a potent insecticide itself but it will also help the spray adhere to the coat for longer.

Sylvia Provenski

What is Lymphedema?

The lymphatic system consists of lymph vessels and lymph nodes throughout the body. These vessels collect lymphatic fluid, which is composed of protein, water, fats, and waste products from your cells. The collection of lymphatic fluid is then transported to the lymph nodes, where waste products and foreign materials are filtered out, somewhat like a water filtration system. This filtered fluid is returned to the blood by the lymph vessels. The swelling in lymphedema is caused by abnormal accumulation of the lymph fluid in the tissue, which impedes the system from performing its function. It causes the lymphatic system to develop insufficient removal, infection, and radiation of the lymph nodes (called secondary lymphedema), or has developmental causes (called secondary lymphedema). Therapy is important at all stages for reducing the swelling with specialized massage techniques and exercise.

Marita Dowsett, B.P.T. Physio4U

Suffering from Lyme Disease?

Lyme is fast becoming a Manitoba epidemic. How do you get Lyme disease? From a deer tick passing a bacteria called Borrelia Burgdorferi into your bloodstream. This bacteria weakens your immune system, allowing diseases to enter the body. “Many people are infected by nymph ticks, but don’t suspect Lyme disease because they don’t recall being bitten. In fact, 50% of people infected don’t remember being bitten and LESS than 50% of people will get any over-emphasized rash” (Source – If you are noticing increasing health problems lately, you may have Lyme disease. One way to improve your immune system is with Bioresonance Therapy. This therapy involves sending healthy frequencies into your body. These frequencies increase the body’s energy and consequently improve your health.

Dennis Ludwig
Evergreen Holistic Health Centre

Taking Control of Finances

Wish you had a secret savings account for bills that pop out of nowhere? Learn our Save to Spend 6-Step Strategy. Forms are online at 1) Transaction Register, or app like My Check Register – Record what’s going in and out, and include all monthly pre-authorized debits. 2) Monthly Budget Form – Prepare a draft spending plan and estimate monthly spending for each category. 3) Irregular Expenses – Identify annual costs that you can save for monthly, such as vehicle/house repairs or birthdays. 4) Payroll Planner – Can help you identify expenses to pay, by pay period. 5) Track the Real Spending – Save all receipts each month, add them up by category, and enter on the Monthly Budget Form. 6) Separate Savings Account, i.e., “My Secret Savings” – Save “irregular expenses” in a separate savings account each month and move these funds from chequing into a savings account you can name by category.

Brian Denysuik

Eliminate Brain Fog

When we call the plumber, we expect to see debris from unclogging the pipes that needed addressing. Little did we know that those pipes had accumulated so much “guck” over the years! The same, unfortunately, can be said for our bodies. Too often, it is only when the “pipes” don’t work anymore that we call for help. When our lymphatic system and our arteries get clogged, illness gets diagnosed. With so little flow in our system, we shouldn’t be surprised if we are experiencing a foggy brain. On our journey towards wellness, we can expect some “guck” to be released when we visit a practitioner. To support the “plumbing” experience, we need good tools: water to flush the guck, rest so the body can integrate the changes it needs to make, and good protein to increase the brain’s energy resources.

Joanne Couture, RMFT, RSW
Brainwave Optimization®

Caregiver Pharmacy Support

It can be difficult to be a caregiver and manage multiple or complex medications for a loved one. It is important to ensure medications are taken appropriately to help maintain good health. A visiting pharmacist provides personal support with regular medication delivery and home consultations. The pharmacist reviews a client’s prescription drugs and over the counter medications to advise if there are any drug interactions, and makes adjustments as necessary. This level of support can reduce emergency room visits and hospital stays, and results in strong, trusting relationships between clients, caregivers, and pharmacists. The visiting pharmacist also provides seamless care for hospital discharge patients and works closely with other health professionals to deliver a high level of care to the client. Care is tailored to specific individual needs such as assisting with blood pressure readings, adding medications as needed to adherence packaging, and making changes in an efficient manner.

Teresa Giesbrecht

Tune-Up Your Brain!

Your brain is the engine that drives you – so it’s important to keep it well-tuned. Fat – or lipid – consumption is essential for the healthy growth, development, and function of your brain. In fact, 60% of your brain’s dry weight is fat. Several types of plant and animal fats are used for brain-building material, though one lipid reigns supreme: omega-3 fatty acids derived from salmon, sardines, krill oil, and plant-based Ahiflower oil. There are many benefits of omega-3: it increases cognitive functioning and decreases symptoms of depression, anxiety and aggression. It is also shown to be a protective factor against cognitive decline and dementia in older adults; and it is an essential component of a healthy diet for pregnant women, leading to better health outcomes in newborns. Consider adding omega-3s to your diet as an evidence-based way to tune-up your brain for optimal mental health.

Sean Miller, CMHA Manitoba and Winnipeg

Book Club: Why Can’t I get Better?

Solving the Mystery of Lyme and Chronic Disease by Dr. Richard Horowitz. Looks at pain, fatigue, memory and concentration problems, sleep disorders, and much more. Lyme disease and its related conditions are incredibly complicated. You can take the questionnaire yourself, and start doing your own detective work with this book as your guide.

3 Meal Planning Myths

Meal planning can save you money, time, and energy. Don’t let these myths keep you from adding it to your life. MYTH 1: Meal planning takes too much time. TRUTH: Meal planning does take a bit of time at first, but when you have a plan, you can blast through a meal plan in minutes. You don’t have to spend hours a week meal prepping. MYTH 2: Meal planning means eating the same thing every day. TRUTH: You don’t have to eat only chicken breasts, rice, and broccoli. Meal planning simply means planning your meals, so plan whatever you like! MYTH 3: Meal planning makes you eat gross leftovers. TRUTH: You don’t need to cook once and eat the same thing all week long. You can meal prep for only a couple days; even simply spending 10 minutes to pre-chop vegetables can save you tons of time during the week.

Allyson Potrebka, Holistic Health Coach,

Learning Disabilities

When someone has been labelled with a ‘learning disability’ (ADHD, OCD, autism, etc.), people tend to have the point of view that there is something wrong with those individuals because they don’t learn the way the rest of us do. Many times, people assume that children who don’t ‘fit in’ need to be taught how to behave so they can learn to function as if they were ‘normal’ and ‘average’. The reality is that these children pick things up in a totally different manner and we need to step up and find out how they learn, not try to teach them using methods that might have worked for us but definitely don’t work for them. What if what we perceive as a wrongness in them is actually a strongness? Access Bars is a great option to explore for both you and your loved one dealing with a learning disability.

Kori Gordon,