Community News
What’s Your Third Option?

Making choices can be stressful. We weigh the pros and cons of both options and analyze them from all angles, waiting for clarity to emerge. Only, sometimes, it doesn’t. The only thing that emerges is a gnawing feeling of frustration from our inability to choose. This frustration is our sign that neither choice is the right one. They either don’t completely align with our values, or they make us feel like we are settling or taking an unnecessary risk. Unfortunately, we become so emotionally invested in our initial process that we fail to realize we always have a third option. This third option requires a fresh perspective, so take a step back, and get in touch with your core values to determine which one has been keeping you from moving forward. Your choice will soon become clear.

Brent Tocher,

Knitting for Prevention of Alzheimer’s

A recent study at the Mayo Clinic found that learning to knit or crochet later in life as a cognitive exercise can reduce or delay the symptoms of Alzheimer’s by 30-50%. Learning new techniques together with hand-eye coordination builds neural networks that are very important in the prevention of Alzheimer’s. For those recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, learning to knit and crochet can be very helpful because of the repetitive motion so that the individual can remember how to create the stitches as the cognitive memory begins to fail. Learning to knit or crochet with a parent that has symptoms of this disease can also provide a way to communicate and connect as symptoms worsen. Keeping the hands busy while knitting or crocheting can help calm those experiencing Alzheimer’s and also give them a sense of purpose as they create projects.

Connie Harvey,

Leave Your Stress Behind

Stress has a profound effect on the body and its ability to heal and function at an optimal level. When an individual experiences ongoing stress, it can overload the energetic circuits of the body, causing them to fail or be severely compromised. This is just like plugging in too many appliances into an outlet and tripping a circuit breaker in your home. The blown fuse must be reset. Often times the body cannot reset these blown circuits on its own, so the body then must continue to function in a less than ideal state. This ultimately leads to degeneration, illness, and pain in the body. This is a sign that your body is simply falling behind in the healing process. Stress-related illnesses include, but are not limited to: high blood pressure and heart rate, digestive disorders, hormone and endocrine imbalances, fatigue, infertility issues, and all manner of immune system disorders.

Robin Chant,

What’s Not Normal?

Have you ever wondered what is “normal” for your body after you’ve given birth? Here is an extensive list of symptoms to watch for post-partum: ongoing back, pelvis, groin, or abdominal pain. Leaking urine and gas or stool from laughing, coughing, jumping, sneezing, lifting, walking, or running is also problematic. Leaking urine or stool when you feel a strong urge to go and pressure or bulging in your vagina or rectum are indicators of abnormal healing. Bulging of your abdomen during any exercise is a red flag. Difficulty doing any of your everyday activities because of pain, leakage, pressure, or any other symptom that concerns you needs to be taken seriously. What you should do if you have any of these symptoms: if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, you should get advice and help from a pelvic floor physiotherapist. These symptoms usually do not go away on their own!

Marita Dowsett B.P.T., Physio 4U

Tanning for Eczema & Psoriasis?

Studies have shown that tanning may help improve eczema and psoriasis. After consulting with your physician, a tanning expert can arrange a tanning program that can become an integral part of your treatment program. These conditions involve an inflammation of the epidermis of the skin, and regular indoor tanning has been known to reduce the flare-ups of itchy, dry and flaky skin associated with the illness. A tan is your body’s natural defense against overexposure to sunlight. The UV rays of a tanning bed stimulate the production of melatonin which gives you that golden glow and acts as a protective barrier against UV radiation. Professional tanning equipment emits UV rays in measurable doses which mean you get correct exposure to light necessary to tan but not burn.

Tracy Delmage, Catch-A-Tan,

The Not-So-Great Outdoors

Many cat owners feel guilty about keeping their cats inside and worry they are depriving them of natural instincts. Generally speaking, a cat that spends his entire life indoors will live many years longer than a cat restricted to the outdoors. If your cat has indoor/outdoor access, he still faces increased risks to his health and safety. On top of the parasites and potentially fatal diseases it can contract (including feline leukemia and feline AIDS), your outdoor cat is always at risk of being struck by a vehicle. Even the most “street savvy” feline can become distracted while in pursuit of prey or while being chased by another cat or dog. It’s a myth that going outside is a requirement for feline happiness. Playing regularly with cats and providing them with entertaining toys can easily satisfy their stalking instinct, keep them stimulated, and provide the exercise they need to stay healthy and happy.

Rob Lamont – A Pet Lovers Warehouse,

Community Event

As part of Manitoba Addictions Awareness Week, St. Raphael Wellness Centre is hosting the “SEX AND ADDICTIONS Conference” on November 15-17th at the Norwood Hotel.

The conference begins on November 15th from 7-9 pm with a public forum, entitled, “ Porn Crisis? The Porn Dilemma in Today’s Culture.” Discovering that someone close to you is secretly watching porn is usually met with a range of emotions and most of us do not feel prepared to navigate a conversation about it. This community presentation will describe six principles of sexual health that can be a foundation for talking with someone about their use of pornography.

This will be followed by a day and a half discussion on sex/drug-linked behaviour.  Family members, counsellors, therapists, mental health professionals and others who want to help individuals talk about and address issues of sexual health and substance addiction will want to attend.


10 Ways to Cultivate Self-Acceptance

Be intentional. Articulate your goal of self-acceptance and dedicate yourself to it each day. Celebrate your strengths. Name one of your strengths each day. Create a support system. Surround yourself with people who accept and believe in you. Forgive yourself. Accept past mistakes, learn from them, and move on. Shush your inner critic. Be gentle to yourself and treat yourself the way you would a loved one. Grieve the loss of unrealized dreams. Acknowledge the loss and then move forward. Perform acts of kindness. Giving to others enriches your life. Be kind to yourself. It is not selfish to love yourself. You are worthy of self-compassion. Understand that acceptance is not resignation. Letting go of the things you cannot control allows you to grow. Speak to your highest self. Visualize your best self in times of stress. Tap into the wisdom that lies within you.

Canadian Mental Health Association Manitoba,

70 is the New 50

Working into retirement, postponing having kids, living longer – the lifecycle of Canadians is changing. This has implications on personal finances and retirement savings. New research suggests that old age now starts at 74, with middle age lasting at least nine years longer than current estimates. What we think of as old has changed over time and it will need to continue changing in the future as people live longer, healthier lives. Two hundred years ago, a 60-year-old was a very old person. Someone who is 60 years old today could be argued as middle aged. In terms of health, longevity, and view of life, “baby boomers” in their sixties and seventies will be more like their parents and grandparents were at 50. This means people can work longer if they so desire. For many people, 70 is the new 50 and signifies the quiet revolution that has taken place in longevity.

Brett Scott,

Clean Eating: Sweet Potato Brownies

1 cup mashed sweet potato, ½ cup smooth nut butter of choice, 2 tbsp maple syrup, ¼ cup cocoa powder, handful of carob chips (optional). Preheat oven to 350 and grease a small cake/ loaf pan. On the stove, melt nut butter with maple syrup. In a large bowl add the mashed sweet potato, melted nut butter and maple syrup, and cocoa powder and mix well. Fold in chocolate chips. Pour mixture into greased pan and bake for 20 minutes or until cooked through. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely before slicing and refrigerating. These brownies are best when cooled completely. Store in fridge or freezer and ENJOY!

Allergy Relief at Last!

NAET® was discovered by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad in November of 1983. Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques, also known as NAET, are non-invasive, drug free, natural solutions to alleviate allergies of all types using a blend of selective energy balancing, testing, and treatment procedures. The varieties of techniques applied include acupuncture/acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, nutritional, and kinesiological disciplines of medicine. We know that many symptoms, such as headaches, backache, joint pain, indigestion, or a cough, are often triggered by food and environmental sensitivities. If left untreated, these reactions may eventually cause illness. This therapy often alleviates adverse reactions to egg, milk, peanuts, penicillin, aspirin, mushrooms, shellfish, latex, grass, ragweed, and flowers. In addition, people who suffer from allergens such as perfume, animal dander, animal epithelial, make-up, chemicals, cigarette smoke, pathogens, heat, cold, and other environmental substances also find relief. Talk to your acupuncturist today if you desire to finally see an end to your allergy suffering!

Dr. Lin Li,