Community News
Beat the Blues

People suffering from seasonal affective disorder report feeling better after a visit to the tanning salon for a tanning bed session. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is an all too common disorder that affects many people during our long winter months. These “winter blues” can be mild for some people but very debilitating for others. The rays emitted by Catch-A-Tan’s beds have been proven to aid in treatment for those suffering from SAD. Tanning can be very helpful to aid in the treatment of the “winter blues” as well as part of a treatment program developed with the aid of a physician. Arthritis pain and PMS are two conditions that have symptoms alleviated by the sun’s rays. Joint pain can be relieved during the cold, damp months of winter, and the symptoms of PMS can be helped by moderate tanning.
Tracy Delmage,

Knitted Knockers – An Alternative Breast Prosthetic

It takes time to adjust to the loss of a breast. The medical appointments, surgery, and the bruising and scaring will eventually pass but the emotional journey can last longer. How you look can affect your self-esteem. It can be difficult to accept the changes. Decisions need to be made regarding reconstruction after mastectomy or using a prosthetic. If you chose a prosthetic, there is a new option available that is free and does not require a special bra. This new prosthetic is called a Knitted Knocker. It is a hand knitted prosthetic made of mercerized cotton which is non-irritating. This can be a great alternative for women who find traditional breast prosthetics too expensive, heavy, sweaty, and uncomfortable. For more information, visit your local yarn store, or visit Knitted Knockers of Canada, a non-profit organization committed to helping women who have lost a breast to cancer.
Connie Harvey,

Am I Normal? Post-Partum Life

Now that you’re post-partum, what should you expect from your body after giving birth? 0-8 WEEKS AFTER DELIVERY: you may feel like your bottom is falling out and not know how you should be standing or sitting. You may also experience pain in your back, hips, or pubic area. In addition, you may have difficulty controlling urine, gas, or stool. Your neck, arms, back, and hips may be sore as you adjust to lifting and feeding your baby. This is an important stage of healing; allow yourself time to listen to and adjust to changes in your body! 8+ WEEKS AFTER DELIVERY: your bleeding should have stopped and any incisions/tears should have healed. You should be pain free. You should have control over your activity level and consider returning to your exercise class/practice. IF YOU STILL HAVE SYMPTOMS, get some advice and help from a pelvic floor physiotherapist. Your optimal health will benefit your parenting journey!
Marita Dowsett, B.P.T., Physio 4 U

Can You Hear Me Now?

Hearing loss is one of most common health problems in the world. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most ignored conditions. Hearing loss and its psychological side effects are highly treatable. The problem goes far beyond hearing. While most hearing deficits do not cause physical pain, they often have social and psychological consequences. Such consequences may include: breakdown of communication, social isolation, employment difficulties, depression, frustration, and loss of self-esteem. If you’re suffering with an untreated hearing loss, you may feel isolated and frustrated; it’s like you’re missing out on life. Those around you may be feeling frustrated, too. It’s important to know you’re not alone. Approximately 1 in 10 people experience some degree of hearing loss. Happily, about 90% of these people can be helped with the use of hearing aids. If you or a loved one is experiencing hearing loss, don’t hesitate any longer to reach out for some help!
Lisa Ballegeer,

Having Trouble Feeling Grateful?

Leading busy and hectic lives can quickly shift our focus away from the aspects of our lives that are truly valuable to us. We may take our loved ones for granted or start comparing ourselves to others, increasing resentment and envy and diminishing our own self-worth. How do we begin to feel grateful? Start by becoming more present. Slow down and see what’s actually in front of you. Appreciate the value even the simplest of things can bring to your life. These are the instances we often take for granted and toss aside to chase newer and more exciting options. As you do this, you will begin to cultivate your curiosity and question the truth of the stories you are telling yourself that keep you in a state of disillusionment.
Brent Tocher,

Ditching Chemicals for a Healthy Home

Many homes are filled with chemicals that are quite harmful, even DANGEROUS to you, your family, and your pets. Scientists have now listed hundreds of these “hidden dangers” in household products. Some of these chemical ingredients are respiratory and skin irritants, or worse, and have been linked to neurotoxicity, reproductive disorders, and even CANCER! How are we supposed to clean our homes and protect our family from germs without these common products? It’s actually quite simple, we look to nature’s essential oils for the answers! For example, Clove & Cinnamon oil are POWERFUL anti-bacterial agents, Lavender is the ideal scent substitute for your laundry, and Tea Tree and Lemongrass essential oils work to purify the air.   Wouldn’t you agree it is time to ditch the harmful products and switch to healthy ones in your home?
Sylvia Provenski, Young Living Essential Oils

Having Trouble Feeling Grateful?

Leading busy and hectic lives can quickly shift our focus away from the aspects of our lives that are truly valuable to us. We may take our loved ones for granted or start comparing ourselves to others, increasing resentment and envy and diminishing our own self-worth. How do we begin to feel grateful? Start by becoming more present. Slow down and see what’s actually in front of you. Appreciate the value even the simplest of things can bring to your life. These are the instances we often take for granted and toss aside to chase newer and more exciting options. As you do this, you will begin to cultivate your curiosity and question the truth of the stories you are telling yourself that keep you in a state of disillusionment.
Brent Tocher,

Book Club:

Developing the Art of Health Finding Health, Happiness, Balance, and Strength by Arthur Rosenfeld. The host of PBS’s Longevity Tai Chi and leading Western Tai Chi master, Arthur Rosenfeld, offers a groundbreaking guide to the myriad of mental and physical benefits of this ancient martial art. In this book, Arthur Rosenfeld gives us incredible information about Tai Chi, how it can help us in our daily lives, benefits, and easy exercises to start practicing this art.

Submitted by: Dr. Eduardo Barreto,

Best Cold Sore Remedies

Cold sores are downright embarrassing. The more we try to hide them, the more obvious they become. Here are some good home remedies in case you find yourself with an unsightly cold sore. 1. Licorice – Try choosing a licorice whip. Studies show that glycyrrhizic acid, an ingredient in licorice, stops the cold sore virus cells dead in their tracks. Be sure it’s made from real licorice. 2 – Pure Vanilla Extract. Yes, the kind you use for baking. Many people swear by this! Soak a cotton pad and apply directly to a cold sore for a few minutes (3 times daily). 3. Hydrogen Peroxide – It disinfects and speeds up healing time. Soak a cotton ball and apply to the sore. Let it sit for about 5 minutes before rinsing off. 4. Peppermint oil – When applied directly to a cold sore, people have found that the sore healed faster than usual.

Clean Eating: Easy Healthy Borscht

Use fresh and organic ingredients. 4 cups of beef broth. 2 cups water. 2T Apple Cider Vinegar. Juice of 1 lemon. 2 cloves garlic. 3 carrots. 2T Coconut Oil. ½ head red cabbage. 1 cup green beans. 3 potatoes. 3 beets with stems and leaves. 1 onion. 4 fresh sprigs of dill. 2 bay leaves. 2 T Italian seasoning. Salt and pepper to taste. Chop ingredients in tiny pieces. 1 can kidney beans. Combine in a crockpot and cook on high for 4 hours. Alternately, cook on top of the stove until the vegetables are soft enough to eat. Enjoy!

4 Toxic Foods to Eliminate

Processed Meats: Can have up to 400 percent more sodium and 50 percent more preservatives than unprocessed meats. The worst part: Some contain nitrites and nitrates, chemical additives that have been linked to various cancers, but are still used to enhance color and promote taste. 2. Margarine: Is marketed as a cholesterol-free, healthy alternative to butter, but it’s the ultimate source of trans fats, which actually elevate cholesterol and damage blood vessel walls. Stick to real foods and eat real butter instead. 3. Artificial Sweeteners: Anything with the word “artificial” in it is chalked FULL of chemicals. These fake sweeteners cause symptoms that range from migraines to weight gain and even more serious conditions like cardiovascular disease. Unless you are diabetic, please stop using these sugar substitites immediately! 4. Microwave Popcorn: Bags, in particular, are often lined with a chemical called perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), which has been shown to affect fertility, cancer risk, and kidney functioning.