Community News
Community Profile: Kelburn Estates

Kelburn Estates Mental Health & Addictions Recovery Centre is a private residential wellness centre on 45 beautiful acres along the red river, here in Manitoba. We pride ourselves in providing confidential and multi-disciplinary expertise for our guests to reclaim, develop, and sustain a meaningful life. A life free from the destructive mental health disease and related substance abuse. Our mission is to create and maintain a lasting relationship with our guests, families, and community service providers. At Kelburn Estates, we will walk with you on your journey to recovery.

Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines

Depending on your age, the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) has different guidelines that you should follow. Adults aged 18-64 should get a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise weekly. Adding muscle and bone strengthening activities at least two times a week is also recommended. The same amounts are recommended for adults over the age of 65, with the addition of activities to improve balance and prevent falls. Exercise can be accumulated in increments of 10 minutes or more. Moderate intensity activities can cause you to sweat a little and breathe harder. Always check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program.

Does Your Pet Have Allergies?

Allergies are incredibly common in our pets, especially here on the coast, and can be divided into four known categories: contact, flea, food, and inhalant. When discussing inhalant allergies, we can’t forget mold or mildew, and of course, the dust mite! Unfortunately, the clinical signs of all allergic reactions are similar, and in cases tend to overlap, but each type can manifest its own unique characteristics. For reasons obvious to the seasonally suffering human, allergies are just as misery inducing in our pets. Itchy, raw, and irritated skin, watering eyes, nasal discharge, and congestion make up but a few symptoms that should inspire a visit to your veterinarian.

Clean Eating: Turmeric Hamburgers

1 lb. of organic grass-fed ground beef, 1 egg, ½ cup of oatmeal or bread crumbs, 1 Tbsp. cracked black pepper, 1 Tbsp. turmeric, 1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce, 1 Tbsp. organic BBQ sauce, 1 chopped onion, 1 minced head of garlic. Mix together lightly. Form patties. Brush lightly with oil. Grill on low/med heat, 5 min. per side.

Black Seed Oil

Black seed (Nigella sativa) is the new preferred therapeutic oil prized for its immune-boosting and antibacterial benefits to reduce respiratory, viral, and digestive ailments. This oil has been used medicinally in Middle Eastern cultures for millennia. Anecdotally, it’s been said to “cure everything
except for death!” And the research is starting to back that up. Studies show that this versatile oil can regulate the immune system, benefit blood sugar, and has anti-cancer activity (Butt et al, 2010). Even though it’s known for its medicinal power, it can be used in cooking and food preparation. Look for a coldpressed black seed oil and for a synergistic blend, use oregano oil and black seed oil together. Look for a combination with vitamins A and D added to give your immune system the best tools to beat the bugs!

On The Menu

There’s no question that our diet affects how we function physically, mentally, and emotionally. Planning meals amid a myriad of options can be a daunting task but it doesn’t have to be. Often, popular diets are unnecessarily restrictive and demand an all or nothing approach, making lasting change difficult to maintain. Instead of quitting all unhealthy dietary habits at once, work at replacing one unhealthy choice per week with a healthy one. Need a coach? Naturopaths, dietitians, and nutritionists are great partners to help you identify best choices and stay the course to the healthiest version of you possible.

Have You Tried Kefir?

Kefir is a unique cultured dairy product and one of the most probiotic-rich foods on the planet. Drinking Kefir has incredible medicinal benefits for your digestion and gut health. It’s tart and refreshing flavor is similar to a drinking-style yogurt, but it contains beneficial yeast as well as friendly probiotic bacteria found in yogurt. The naturally occurring bacteria and yeast in combine symbiotically to give superior health benefits when consumed regularly. It is loaded with valuable vitamins and minerals and contains easily digestible complete proteins. Drink up for benefits to your immune system and your bowels (see you later, IBS symptoms!)

Book Club:

Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much: A 4-Step, 8-Week Plan to Finally Lose the Weight, Manage Emotional Eating, and Find Your Fabulous Self, by Colette Baron-Reid. This 4-step, 8-week program will show you how to finally let go of what’s weighing you down, physically and emotionally. You will learn how to: – Reverse empathy overload and establish healthy boundaries. – Avoid the “noisy” trigger foods that lead to autopilot eating. – Deal with challenging situations and avoid your detours, from procrastination to perfectionism, that sabotage the success you deserve.

So, You Didn’t Have a Valentine?

Didn’t get shot by cupid on Valentine’s Day? Maybe you’re looking for love in all the wrong places. As a professional matchmaker with over 24 years of experience, I have facilitated thousands of successful love connections that are still going strong many years later. Receiving service tailored to you and your specific needs is always going to give you a better chance of getting what you want. Do you want to spend 30 minutes filling out an online questionnaire, or a couple of hours with a matchmaker trained in asking you the important questions and understanding you as an individual? Have a professional matchmaker be your cupid.

Develop Your Touch Vocabulary

Touch is a language of human connection! Compassionate touch is so biologically important to us that we cannot survive without it. Yet, how much education do we have for this language of touch? Studying Thai massage opens the door to expanding your touch vocabulary in a supportive learning environment. Training in Thai massage builds a platform of communication, gives you a way to help others with the skill of manual therapy, and profoundly influences the relationships you have with others.

Cats and Essential Oils

There has been much talk recently about cats and essential oils. Are oils safe, or unsafe? What should you believe? The truth is essential oils are indeed a toxic threat to cats. They are rapidly absorbed both orally and through the skin, and are then metabolized in the liver. Cats lack an essential enzyme in their liver, and as such, have difficulty metabolizing and eliminating many essential oils. Cats are also very sensitive to phenols and phenolic compounds, which can be found in some essential oils. The higher the concentration of the essential oil (i.e., 100%), the greater the risk to the cat.