Community News
Product Review: Avena Original’s E-Fusion

This powerful Vitamin E and amino acid complex is formulated to promote energy, health, healing and longevity complete with perfectly-balanced ratios of protein, carbohydrates and fat. This great-tasting, plant-based, 100% RAW whole food provides a variety of naturally-occurring essential nutrients including antioxidants, vitamins, pro-oxidant nutrients, phytonutrients, and tocotrienols. E-Fusion helps your body heal muscles after intense workouts, injury, trauma, and boosts the vitality of your internal organs.
Avena Originals,

Fitness and Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the leading causes of death in Canada and includes conditions such as angina, heart attack, and stroke. Specific cardiac rehabilitation programs prescribed by a physiotherapist can improve overall cardiac health, thus reducing the risk of subsequent heart attacks or strokes. It is critical to monitor your blood pressure and have your cholesterol routinely checked. Maintain an appropriate weight with a healthy diet and regular exercise, as extra weight places strain on the heart. If you start a fitness program, seek the advice of a professional (physician or physiotherapist). Begin all exercise programs at low intensity and gradually progress as your cardiac fitness improves.

Clean Eating Recipe: Hot Chocolate

Store bought hot chocolate “packets” contain massive amounts of sugar and even hydrogenated oils (an unexpected, undesirable ingredient). You can serve this with whipped cream made of organic heavy cream with a little bit of stevia.
1/3 c full fat coconut milk (unsweetened)
2/3 c boiling water
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla
15 drops liquid stevia
(optional) 1-2 drops peppermint oil, whipped cream, or cocoa nibs
Boil water on the stove. Add in all remaining ingredients. Stir well. Let cool a little bit, serve and enjoy!

Magnesium (Part 2)

Magnesium absorption, as well as magnesium deficiency in our diets, is problematic. The soil in most countries has been farmed to a point of magnesium depletion. Furthermore, magnesium salts are laxatives, so they can lead to a more rapid gut transit time, not allowing gut absorption.
When taken orally, magnesium may be absorbed inefficiently due to the a) laxative effect of oral doses; b) effect of other foods, vitamins, or minerals in the gut that lessen absorption; and c) individual differences.
Transdermal therapy, via footbaths or spray, creates “tissue saturation”, which allows magnesium to travel to the body’s tissues and cells at a high dose without losses through the gastrointestinal tract.

Product Review: Venus Freeze

Are you tired of sagging skin, excess fat, and cellulite that won’t seem to fade with even the most expensive creams? Venus Freeze is exclusive to Rejuvenate Zone and is revolutionary in the beauty industry. Venus Freeze is a non-surgical and non-invasive body contouring and skin tightening treatment for the face, neck and body. The blood flow in the treated area is improved, enhancing texture and skin tone. Get rid of fat and cellulite, lose inches, and tone your WHOLE face & body. Venus Freeze is supported by plastic surgeons across the world as a safe, pain-free alternative to liposuction.

REALLY Clean Away Allergens

Don’t get caught in a vicious circle of allergy flare-ups! Did you know that using the wrong cleaning products to minimize allergens like dust mites, pet dander, and mold can actually make your allergy symptoms worse? Here are the 10 most common toxic chemicals found in cleaning products that might be worsening your allergy symptoms: • Phthalates • Parabens • Lead • BPA/BPS • 14 Dioxane • SLS • PVC • Triclosan • Oxybenzone • Diazolidinyl or Imidazolidinyl Urea
Make sure you always read the labels of your cleaning products. With the right products, some elbow grease, and a regular cleaning regimen, you can find allergy relief in your home.

The Mind-Body Connection

Your body responds to the way you think, feel, and act. When you are stressed, anxious, or upset, your body reacts in a way that might tell you that something isn’t right. The mind and body are mirrors for each other and this connection can be a valuable way to discover underlying issues or blocks that are preventing healing. If you are having pain, discomfort, and/or tension in the body, then there is also some sort of pain, discomfort, and tension in the mind and emotions. The body is also communicating with you at all times.

Community Event

Feb. 21, 7 p.m. What Are Your Aches & Pains Telling You? Come out and learn how to listen to your body! Inspire You Studio, 435 Rosser Ave. For more info, call: 204-571-9298,

Being ME in a Relationship

Love is complicated sometimes. From a neural perspective, the prefrontal cortex can be what is keeping our attention and decision-making in a type of tunnel vision. Our amygdala can have us caught between the excitement of this adventure called love and the fear of losing it all with the wrong comment or gesture. After Brainwave Optimization sessions, a recent client declared: “This has been life changing. I feel tremendously better and calm. I have a sense of inner peace and joy that I have not experienced before, and it’s simply helping me just be me in my new relationship.”

Evergreen Holistic Health Centre

Do you suffer from allergies, chronic illness or a weak immune
system? Evergreen Holistic Health Centre can help eliminate
allergies, detoxify metals and toxins, strengthen your immune
system, revitalize organs plus test products for toxins. All by
utilizing a technology that has been used in Europe for over 20
years. Bioresonance Therapy. Computer hookups collect data
while the electrodes are testing the body. Based on the collected
data, the electrodes can be focused on a particular portion of the
body in order to address a blockage of energy flow. The computer
has an electronic filter that can harmonize the frequencies in the
body so every organ can work properly. This machine strengthens
the natural vibrations to return their electromagnetic fields
to optimal levels. Evergreen Holistic Health Centre

Need More Magnesium?

A 2006 report from the World Health Organization estimated that 75% of adults consume a diet that is deficient in magnesium. One in five adults consumes less than half of the U.S. RDA for magnesium. A study by scientists at the Centers for Disease Control, published in the Journal of Nutrition, explains: Magnesium is an essential element that is crucial to hundreds of physiologic processes in humans. Not surprisingly, inadequate intake of magnesium has been linked to various adverse health outcomes, including the development of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and headaches. Furthermore, magnesium is important in bone growth and may play a role in athletic performance. Marita Dowsett, B.P.T. Physio4U,