Community News
Quit Smoking with Laser Therapy

Is quitting smoking on your ‘New Years Resolution List’? Have you tried just about everything, with little success? Laser Therapy is clinically proven to help to control cravings and withdrawal symptoms. In clinical studies, patients report a noticeable reduction in cravings, and have a higher chance of success in quitting. The benefits of quitting smoking with laser over other interventions include no medications with unpleasant side effects, no unhealthy nicotine in your system in the form of patches, and pleasant side effects of relaxation which are a result of the endorphins released in response to the laser. Start the New Year as a nonsmoker, and making smoking a habit of the past. SmartChoice Laser Centre,

Access Consciousness

The target of Access Consciousness is to help get people to the point where they are conscious enough to create change within themselves, so that it is also possible to change everything that is not working for them in their everyday life. Once people begin to be more conscious, it will be easier to thrive in the face of the shifts that are occurring everywhere on the planet right now. There are courses available for helping you get real-life tools you can use and showing you how to get where you would like to be. Are you ready to invest in YOU? Robin Chant, Inspire You Studio,

New Year Resolutions

It’s wonderful to want to make changes in your life. The problem is, change doesn’t happen overnight, and most resolutions end up being abandoned. Then we feel guilty about it. Consider, instead, small sustainable steps towards a healthier lifestyle. Being healthy isn’t just about what we eat and how much we weigh. Real wellness includes how we talk to ourselves, our outlook on life, and how we deal with stress. Feeling better can start with any of these things. See January as only the beginning of your wellness journey!

Need Help Reaching Your 2018 Goals?

What if I told you that you could increase your chance of success by 95%, just by scheduling appointments with an accountability partner? You’d be all over that, right? An accountability partner can be the key to reaching your goals this year. What makes a good partner? Someone who is patient, but powerful, to nudge you towards taking the steps necessary to get you to your goal. They should be encouraging and check in with you regularly.
Are you ready to reach your goals this new year? Schedule a free blueprint call and let’s work together to make 2018 your healthiest year ever.
Ally Potrebka, RHN, RYT,

Pet Health

As the New Year begins, we all begin to anticipate our yearly resolutions. One goal that always seems to top the list? Weight loss! For most overweight dogs and cats, we can usually blame free-feeding and lack of exercise, though there can be some medical reasons why our pets are struggling with extra pounds.
Pets’ lifestyles tend to reflect our own. We come home after work, head to the sofa…sitcoms & snacks. Burger & fries with Fido? Be aware of recommended daily caloric intake by using a measuring cup for food, and some treats can add up to an entire day’s caloric values! Don’t free feed; stick to a breakfast and dinner plan. Commit to daily exercise – 30 minutes (or longer) walking with our dogs, or using interactive toys with
our cats. Please feel free to talk with your vet about successful weight loss plans for our furry family members! Rob Lamont, A Pet Lovers Warehouse.

Organic vs. Conventional Produce

Did you know that a healthy diet need not be comprised of organic food only? In fact, some organically grown and produced foods confer no greater health benefits than conventionally grown options. How do you decide? A general rule of thumb is to choose organic when it comes to soft or thin-skinned fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and meats. Good conventional choices consist of most thick-skinned foods, and exceptions like kiwi, onions, cauliflower, cabbage, and asparagus. In all cases, frozen and fresh contain comparable nutrient content. When buying organic, look for the “certified organic” seal to ensure authenticity. Sean Miller, CMHA MB and Winnipeg,

Allergies & Bio-Resonance

The bio-resonance method has become well-known for its ability to treat allergies swiftly and effectively. Word of its obvious success has rapidly spread amongst clients, and consequently, many allergy sufferers are seeking out the practices of bio-resonance therapists. This is certainly attributable to the fact that the number of people suffering from allergies has been steadily increasing for years. This includes allergies to food, animals, pollen, fragrances, and various toxic substances. A bio-resonance therapist will search for the allergens triggering your symptoms and then work to alleviate those symptoms using frequency therapy. Bio-resonance therapy is completely painless and non-invasive. Dennis Ludwig, Evergreen Holistic Health Centre

Burnout Relief

When life’s stresses have us burning the candle at both ends, quite often burnout has us looking for a way out, looking for something better… anything to get us out of the hopelessness and emptiness that entraps us. Instead of choosing an expensive leave of absence, a recent client opting for Brainwave Optimization declared: “I like this better because it allows me some integrated burnout relief that supports me in the here and now, helping my brain function better so I make better choices right in the midst of the emotional and physical exhaustion. All I need sometimes is to get away from it all – this does it!” La Loba,

4 Natural Ways to Boost Your Immunity

There are plenty of natural remedies to help you boost your immune system and stay healthy all winter long:
1. Focus on Vitamin D. Did you know that most people have low vitamin D levels? Even dangerously low, within a range that could severely limit your immune system.
2. Eat More Garlic. Garlic is one of the most potent of all superfoods that goes back thousands of years for treatment of illness.
3. Get Your Probiotics. 70% of your immune system lies in your gut flora and the health of the friendly organisms in there to protect you against pathogens and sickness.
4. Avoid ALL processed foods and sweetened soft drinks. This is no time to bombard your body with processed foods, fried foods, high-fructose corn syrup, refined sugars or chemical additives.

Vegan Cashew “Cheese”

Are you interested in trying a vegan diet, but aren’t ready to give up all cheese? You must give this recipe a try! Here’s what you need: 3/4 cup raw cashews, 3 tablespoons nutritional yeast, 3/4 teaspoon sea salt, 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder, ½ tablespoon lemon juice, ¼ cup water, ½ teaspoon apple cider vinegar, black pepper to taste. Here’s how to do it: Place cashews in a bowl with warm water and soak for at least 2 hours. Drain and add to food processor along with all other ingredients. Pulse until thoroughly combined. Enjoy this “cheesy” alternative!
Adapted from

Community Event

Jan. 11. 12:00 p.m. Join us for Pilates classes. All skill levels welcome. Physio 4 U, 459 23rd Street, Brandon, 204-725-4066,