Community News
Clean Eating: Easy Healthy Borscht

Use fresh and organic ingredients. 4 cups of beef broth. 2 cups water. 2T Apple Cider Vinegar. Juice of 1 lemon. 2 cloves garlic. 3 carrots. 2T Coconut Oil. ½ head red cabbage. 1 cup green beans. 3 potatoes. 3 beets with stems and leaves. 1 onion. 4 fresh sprigs of dill. 2 bay leaves. 2 T Italian seasoning. Salt and pepper to taste. Chop ingredients in tiny pieces. 1 can kidney beans. Combine in a crockpot and cook on high for 4 hours. Alternately, cook on top of the stove until the vegetables are soft enough to eat. Enjoy!

4 Toxic Foods to Eliminate

Processed Meats: Can have up to 400 percent more sodium and 50 percent more preservatives than unprocessed meats. The worst part: Some contain nitrites and nitrates, chemical additives that have been linked to various cancers, but are still used to enhance color and promote taste. 2. Margarine: Is marketed as a cholesterol-free, healthy alternative to butter, but it’s the ultimate source of trans fats, which actually elevate cholesterol and damage blood vessel walls. Stick to real foods and eat real butter instead. 3. Artificial Sweeteners: Anything with the word “artificial” in it is chalked FULL of chemicals. These fake sweeteners cause symptoms that range from migraines to weight gain and even more serious conditions like cardiovascular disease. Unless you are diabetic, please stop using these sugar substitites immediately! 4. Microwave Popcorn: Bags, in particular, are often lined with a chemical called perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), which has been shown to affect fertility, cancer risk, and kidney functioning.

How Much Vitamin D Do We Really Need?

Vitamin D ensures our body absorbs sufficient calcium. Calcium is required for metabolism, heart and muscle function, and, along with phosphorous, is a key component of bone structure. If your body does not get enough Vitamin D, you are at risk for developing bone abnormalities such as soft bones (osteomalacia) or fragile bones (osteoporosis). Although it has not been proven, Vitamin D may help to prevent falls, boost weight loss, fight infections (colds and flus) and reduce your risk for diseases such as multiple sclerosis. To obtain these potential benefits, most adults need to take 1000 I.U per day. You should never exceed more than 4000 I.U per day unless you are severely deficient, as diagnosed by your doctor. Your body also limits the amount of Vitamin D it gets from the sun, so it is safe to continue with supplementation well into the summer months.
Care At Home Pharmacy,


September 14
6:15 pm
Free Community Dinner
Learn how to achieve real health to last a lifetime.
Limited seating available, call 204-985-6750 to register.
Academy Chiropractic.


Anger Free Sessions for Adults, Anxiety/Stress Management Sessions, and Pranic Healing.
Renaissance Centre
Call Colette for more info. 204-256-6750 (ext. 23)


September: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR)
Renaissance Centre
204-803-2002 or at


September: Yoga Sessions (French & English)
Renaissance Centre
204-803-2002 or at


October: The Five Love Languages: Secret to love that lasts (Couple’s Group and Teen Group).
Book your spot today!
Renaissance Centre


October 15
9:30 am
Cancer Killers Make Over.
Learn what cancer, heart disease, diabetes and headaches all have in common.
Receive practical protocols to get yourself healthy BEFORE disease sets in.
Tickets $10
Call 204-985-6750 to pick up your tickets
Academy Chiropractic.




Fall in Love with Your Life Again

A commonality amongst women at midlife is a lack of passion or life purpose. It’s at this time of life that we are biologically programmed to look for something else. That something else is usually found deep inside of us. Midlife is not a decline nor is it a crisis of women. It is simply a time for transition. Biologically at the pre–menopausal and menopausal stage of life women are programmed to withdraw from the outside world for a period of time, to pause from everyone, in order to do important work on oneself. A career that was once fulfilling may no longer be, a marriage can be changing, the home feels empty as children leave. Some women go through their transition alone. Others with a trusted friend or a book. While others enroll in groups designed just for this purpose, where wisdom of others is shared, and gifts are uncovered.

Pharmacists as Prescribers (Part1)

Many times we have found ourselves lost in the big aisle of non-prescription medications. Spending time, trying to match our symptoms with the most suitable medication, trying to eliminate the occurrence of adverse reactions and also getting confused at the thought of weather to approach the BUSY pharmacy staff or not and finally end up buying tried and tested medication. BUT…. maybe your symptoms do not require the same old medication or use of the same medication has worsened your condition. At times like these even your family physicians may not be available for immediate assessment, and you may not have the time or patience to wait in a walk-in-clinic. Here in Winnipeg, Expert Pharmacist can assess, diagnose and treat certain medical conditions. For the better health outcomes of Manitobans, we are putting our knowledge and skills to maximum use. Hence, next time one less worry for you.


Hajra Mirza, Rossmere Pharmacy

Using Your Intuition to Your Advantage

By definition, Intuition is a person’s capacity to obtain or have direct knowledge and/or immediate insight, without observation or reason. It’s the “gut feeling” you get. For the past many generations, society influences have pushed us away from one of the most amazing and helpful tools we naturally hold – our intuition. It is our natural ability to use both instincts (from our connection to the animal kingdom) AND logical reasoning (thank you human brain) to our advantage. By seeking a balance between the intuitive AND the logical sides of our brain, we are able to utilize ALL resources our brain has to offer. Intuition is a wonderful tool to use when looking for the answer to a question and the solution to a problem that our mind cannot solve. Having a strong connection to our own natural intuition provides a whole new level of clarity and understanding to our lives.

Suffering from Sciatica?

Are you experiencing pain down the buttocks, or even the leg and foot; with numbness, tingling, or abnormal sensation in those same areas? It is very common, especially in Downtown Winnipeg, where nearly everyone ‘sits-for-a-living’. Research says ‘flossing’ may not help our teeth, but flossing or dynamically stretching the nervous tissue is another way to prevent, and lessen this back pain. Almost everyone has seen that ‘camel or cat back’ exercise; on all fours, rolling the back upwards, and downwards, we move the nervous tissue associated with sciatic pain. Reaching, with back extension exercises will help strengthen the muscle supports around the spine.

Ginseng for Weight Loss

Ginseng does many things to help human health, but many people do not realize that ginseng is good for weight loss. It gives an energy boost and can help fight fatigue. Because of this, it allows for you to be more active. One of the big things that it does in the weight loss battle is by regulating blood sugar. It does this by reducing the amount of carbohydrate that is converted into fat. Also, it is important to point out that ginseng alone will not help lose weight if you engage in poor dietary choices. It is vital that a well-balanced diet is followed and that you are active. Otherwise, like the old English proverb says, “Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork.” One of the active ingredients in SlimROAST weight loss coffee from Valentus – The Healthiest Coffee on the Planet!

Relax Your Brain – Enhance Learning

Your ability to learn is directly related to how clear your brain pathways are between sensory (intake) and execution (performance). Over two‐thirds of your brain is based on sensing or input; one‐third is based on execution. If you have trouble focusing or concentrating, it is simply because the pathways between the sensory and execution network areas are not clear. Integration of the feeling, emotional, or “gut” senses is necessary for even abstract forms of knowledge. You make the greatest use of your capacities when you have free and intelligent access to your feelings and imagination. Brainwave Optimization, a computer-guided relaxation technology, works to balance and harmonize your brain, helping it move beyond stuck patterns into healthy patterns. Once your brain is balanced and harmonized, you can overcome previous challenges; achieve more, laugh more, enjoy life more completely and engage in a healthier social life with self‐awareness and confidence.

Achilles Tendinitis

Are you suffering from heel pain? Whether there was one event that caused it, or the pain has come on over time, there are many factors that could contribute to your discomfort. Being physically active or sedentary can cause Achilles Tendinitis. Running, jumping, and landing, can all put an excess of stress on our Achilles tendon. As we land on our feet, there is an eccentric force placed on the tendon. After repetitive movements, this can cause microtearing within the tendon and inflammation will lead to pain. Even if we aren’t active, our calves can tighten up, and without regular stretching, just everyday walking can put stress on our tendons. Ice will help calm down the pain, but you should begin some mild stretching of your calves. Other treatment options include rest, massage, or even adding a heel lift in your shoe to decrease the amount of force on the Achilles tendon.